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I spin around and notice that the door is still closed and that loud yell was from outside. I stumble back, a shaky breath escaping my lips.

Matthew furrows his eyebrows and makes his way towards the door, swinging it open. The sound of cheers and yells echoes through the corridor and I follow Matthew.

"Stay here." Matthew points at the office and I cross my arms over my chest. "Mara." I roll my eyes and peek over his shoulder.

It's clear there's a fight going on when I see a massive crowd circling people.

Matthew closes the door and I take a seat back on the sofa.

I really don't understand why people get so hyperactive over a fight.

Just in case another Professor decides to walk in and sees me sat on the sofa doing nothing, I take out my work and try to be productive. Wouldn't want them finding out that I come in this office to take occasional naps.

Twenty minutes later the door swings open and I smile, glad that Matthew is finally back but that soon drops when I see that it's Marie with a battered face and a bleeding nose.

She smirks at me and takes a seat across from me.

"The fuck happened to you?" I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrows at her.

"Got into a fight." She shrugs, grabbing a tissue and holding it against her nose. She looks me up and down and then looks away.

I scoff, pissed off now she's in here.

"Why are you always in here?" Marie's question makes me tense and I look up to see her staring at me again.

"And how would you know I'm always in here? You stalking me or something?" I tilt my head and I watch her face tint read. "Or maybe you're just stalking our Professor." I shrug and go back to writing out my notes.

"I don't stalk our Professor." She whispers.

"So you're stalking me?"

"No! Just shut up, you're so annoying." I scoff at her words.

"Bitch." I mutter under my breath, just before Matthew walks in with a scowl on his face.

"Amara, I'm going to need you to leave." I sit up straight from his words.

"But you said you would help me with my work." I say, frowning at him.

"Miss Wesley, I won't ask you again. I have to deal with another student, we will have to continue our session another time." Matthew tells me, making sure his back is facing Marie. He give me an apologetic look and I sigh, gathering all my things.

As I go to leave the office I send Marie a glare and slam the door behind me.


"Baby." I huff and ignore Matthew's pleads for me to give him attention. "Mara, baby. I'm sorry." He begins to rub my stomach and I sigh.

"You could of dismissed me a bit nicer earlier on. You made me look like an idiot in front of Marie and I hate her enough as it is." I tell him.

I lay on my back on our bed and Matthew climbs on top of me, a small pout on his face.

"I know I should have been a lot nicer, trust me I felt bad after you left but I was so angry that those students had ruined the little time we had together in my office." He whispers.

"But you knew we were seeing each other later. To be completely honest, you're lucky I even came here in the first place because I was gonna spend the night at my own house." Matthew's body tenses above me and then he is tightening his arms around my waist.

"I would have come to get you." He looks up at me and I can't help but smile.

"Matthew, you're not turning crazy on me are you?" I tease, running my fingers through his silky hair.

"When it comes to you I'm always crazy." He goes back to resting his head on my chest and I look at the time to see that it is half past nine at night.



"Can we go to the shop to get some ice-cream please?" Matthew sits up and also checks the time.

"Fine. Get your shoes on." He taps my leg gently and stands up from the bed. I grin and stand up from the bed as well.

We put our shoes on and Matthew throws me one of his hoodies from his wardrobe. I pull it over my head and inhale the smell of his aftershave.

"Weirdo." He teases when I pop my head from the top.

"Yeah well you love this weirdo." I blurt out and then freeze after I realise what I've just said. I avoid eye contact with him and pretend like I didn't just say that.

Stupid Amara.

The embarrassment is too strong today.

"Mara." Matthew whispers but I keep my eyes to the floor. I watch as his shoes come into view and his finger goes under my chin, lifting it up.

I bite my lip, my eyes beginning to water.

"I do." He whispers, leaning down to place a small kiss on the tip of my nose and then my cheeks. "I do love you."

"You love me?" I whimper, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.

"I love you, baby." He smiles and I throw my arms around him.

"I love you too! That's what I wanted to tell you in your office earlier on before that bitch ruined it." I admit, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"Language." He pinches my hips and I pull back slightly to see him giving me a playful scowl. "Let's go and get your needy ass some ice-cream."



"Baby, please. Just pick a flavour." Matthew groans as I look in the freezer.

"I can't pick." I whisper with wide eyes.

"Then get every single flavour, how about that? I'm tired and I wanna go back home and cuddle." He whines like a little baby.

"Fine, fine. But you're paying."


I pick up most of the flavours, putting them in the basket. We make our way over to the counter and Matthew begins to pay. As he's doing that I take a second to look outside the window and I furrow my eyebrows when I see a familiar figure standing underneath a street lamp.

I'm already wandering outside as I hear Matthew call out for me. I walk out of the corner shop and across the road until I am standing in front of my brother.

"Amara." He whispers, tears in his eyes. "I need help."

Lmaoo they haven't been caught.......not yet at least 😏💜

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