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"It's okay." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. He tightens his arms around me, telling me he's not planning on letting go for a little while.

After a few minutes he sniffles and I slowly begin to pull away. My face heats when I realise I am straddling his lap, I climb off and he looks at me with wide, watery eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispers and I smile shaking my head.

"Don't be sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?" I question, tilting my head but he shakes his. "Oh okay, I'll go back to my room." I whisper and go to stand but Matthew grabs hold of my hand, staring at me with pleading eyes.

"Stay, please." He whispers and I give him a small smile before taking a seat on the other side of his bed. "I'm s-sorry, you probably think I'm crazy."

"I don't think you're crazy, Matthew." I reassure him, giving him my best smile. "Do you have nightmares often?" I tilt my head and begin to play with the lose thread on his silk bedsheets.

"Every night." My eyes widen at his words and I turn to face him more.

"I'm sorry." I grab his hand and begin to play with the rings on his fingers.

"Usually no-one is here to wake me up from them." He chuckles deeply and I begin to feel so bad for the man.

"Good thing I was here tonight then, hey." I smile, wiping his tears away. He smiles back, lightly nodding his head.

"I usually have to endure the whole dream." He croaks and I reach for a bottle of water on the bedside table and hand it over to him.

He thanks me and I watch as he takes a couple of gulps, my eyes trail down to his neck as I watch his Adam's apple bop up and down.

It's only now I realise that he is shirtless and I can't deny that his body looks like it was shaped by the Greek Gods. His abs are on show and I stare at the huge muscles on his arms.


He looks so good!

Then it hits me that I am sitting in a bed with my topless Professor.

After around twenty minutes I decide to climb off the bed, I don't miss Matthew watching me with wide eyes.

"Will you be okay now? I'm gonna go back to bed." I question him and watch as he gulps.

"I-I-yes I'll be okay." I nod my head and smile, making my way to the door.

"Night Matthew." I turn back to look at him.

"Goodnight Mara."



"I'm pretty sure you wore those clothes yesterday, not that I'm judging its just you never do that." Bo speaks up and I sigh.

"I left my keys at home so I had to stay in a hotel." I lie, not wanting her to know that I spent the night at our professor's house and then comforted him after he had a nightmare.

I left him a note in the morning and decided to get an Uber to school. He had already done enough for me yesterday and I didn't need people gossiping if they saw me climbing out of his car.

After about ten minutes Matthew soon walks in and I don't miss the dark bags under his eyes and I instantly feel bad.

Should I of stayed with him last night?

He looks so tired.

"Morning everyone." He smiles and then he makes eye contact with me and my heart begins to race as he gives me a sad smile.

Class goes by quickly and I can't help but wonder if he's upset with me for leaving without telling him.

As everyone begins to walk out of the lecture hall I wait until I am the last one to leave before making my way over to his desk.

"Are you okay?" I question and he looks up at me with wide eyes. 

"S-Sorry?" I smile and repeat my question. "Yes I'm okay."

"Did you manage to get back to sleep after I left?" I tilt my head and whisper, not wanting anyone to hear our conversation.

"Yes." I raise my eyebrows at him. "N-Not really." He sighs.

"Have you ever thought about talking to a professional about your nightmares?" His eyes widen and he shakes his head frantically.

"I just forgot to take my sleeping pills last night." He shrugs. "W-Why did you leave this morning without telling me?"

"I left a note."

"B-But I could of brought you here." He stutters and his face turns red as he avoids eye contact with me. "I-I made breakfast before I saw your note."

Now I really feel bad.

Really, really bad.

"Matthew, I'm sorry. It's just you did a lot for me yesterday and I didn't wasn't to overstay my welcome and I thought you would feel uncomfortable with us turning up on campus together."

"I-I actually put it in a container for you, it's just a bacon sandwich." He passes me a plastic Tupperware tub with the bacon sandwich inside and my body warms at his kind gesture.

"You're so sweet, thank you." I grin and his face brightens.

"No worries." He smiles brightly.

"I should probably get going, I've got loads of revision to be doing for our test." I smile. "Matthew?"


"Did you see my number on the note?" He nods his head. "You know you can call me after you have a nightmare, if you need someone to talk to." I clasp my hands behind my back and he bites his lip.

"I don't want to trouble you, Mara." He whispers.

"Please, you don't deserve to go through that alone." I grab hold of his hand and he jumps a little before tightening his around mine.

"That means a lot to me." He says in his deep voice which makes me clench my legs together.

I pull my hand away and step back.

"I should go." I point and he nods his head.

Someone knocks on the door and we both turn to see Zion outside. He walks in once he gets our attention and I look back down at Matthew to see his jaw clenched as he stares at my new friend.

"Sorry to interrupt, I was just wondering when you'll be finished talking to Amara?" He questions Matthew.

"I was just about to leave." I tell Zion and he nods closing the door.

I turn back to Matthew and he hands me the food he made me.

"Bye." I whisper giving him a small wave and he smirks.

"Bye, Mara."

I make my way out of the lecture hall, a huge smile on my face.

Awww, aren't they cute 🥺💜

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