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I slowly open my eyes and stiffen when I feel a weight on my chest. I look down and gulp when I see Amara practically sleeping on me but it's only then I realise I didn't have a nightmare.

That's the first time in eighteen years where I haven't woken up from the terrifying nightmare.

All because of the girl that is laying on top of me.

The feelings that I'm beginning to develop towards Amara is very dangerous, dangerous to the point I could lose my job.

But I can't stay away from her, I find myself constantly wanting to see and be near her. I've only been her Professor for two weeks and she's making me feel things I have never felt before.

She stirs above me and I bite my lip, worried that she will be annoyed with the position we have both woken up in.

"Morning." She yawns and begins to stretch and a sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see that she is not annoyed. I suddenly feel cold when she moves off of me. "Did you sleep okay?" She whispers.

"Better than I ever have before." I admit and she smiles brightly, sitting up on her knees, facing me.

"Really?" I nod my head. "That is so good!" She throws her arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug. My heart begins to race and I feel my face heat up.

I wrap my arms around her slim waist and embrace her warmth. I haven't had a hug like this for so long.

After a couple minutes she pulls away and I bite my lip as she smile down at me. "I should probably get home, I didn't bring anything with me." Disappointment fills my body and I find myself not wanting her to leave.

Don't be selfish Matthew, she has a social life. Why would she want to hang out with someone like me?

"Oh, okay." I whisper, giving her a small smile. "D-Do you want breakfast?" I question, hoping that she will say yes and stay.

"I can't. I promised Zion I'd have brunch with him today." She whispers and gives me a small smile and sudden jealousy invades my mind.

I don't know why.

Amara should only be my student but a really selfish part of me just wants her attention and more.

"O-Okay." I nod and she gives me another one of her beautiful smiles.

"How about this?" My eyes widen at her words and I let her continue. "I'll stay over again tonight and you can make me dinner, makes up for missing breakfast and lunch." I nod my head quickly and she grins.

"That would be great." I nod, feeling excited that I get to spend another night with Amara and hopefully another sleep, nightmare free.

"Cool, so I'll be back around six. Is that okay?" She tilts her cute little head and I nod mine.

She shortly leaves and I sigh as soon as the front door closes.

I need to find something to make time go by quickly.


I jump when my office door flies open to reveal my brother, Nathaniel. Out of all the times for him to come back home he decides to today, when Amara should be coming round.

"Missed me?" He smirks, throwing himself in the chair that is in front of my desk.

"Not really." I sigh and continue marking peoples essays. "What are you doing back?" I raise my eyebrows and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Thought I'd come and check on my big bro, make sure you're doing okay." He says seriously and this time I shrug my shoulders.

Nathaniel and I are really close, we tell each other everything but I can't help but struggle to tell him that one of my students are coming over to help me with my nightmares.

"You look like you're hiding something." He furrows his eyebrows and I gulp.

"We don't judge each other right?" He nods his  head. "I....uh...fuck, how do I say this."

"Come on, bro. It can't be that bad, you're literally a saint." Nathaniel chuckles.

"I have this student and-"

"You're fucking your student!" He claps and my eyes widen before I begin to frantically shake my head.

"No!" He tilts his head in confusion. "She h-helps me with my nightmares." I look away in embarrassment.

"Helps you how?"

"Well we get along well and she said I could call her whenever I couldn't sleep so I did last night. She came over and we slept in the same bed, I didn't have a nightmare." I explain and watch as Nathaniel runs his fingers through his dark blonde hair.

"That must of been nice, not having to suffer those shitty memories for one night." I nod my head. "Does she know what you have nightmares about?"

I shake my head. "Not yet, I'm not ready to tell her."

"Well I don't see anything wrong with this, you're both adults."

"She's actually coming over in a couple hours, I'm making her dinner." I smile brightly.

"Do you like her?" I frown at his question.

"Of course I do."

"No, I mean do you like, like her." He wiggles his eyebrows and I playfully roll my eyes.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. "She probably doesn't like me like that anyway, I don't think I'm her type." I whisper, feeling myself start to get insecure.

"You overthink too much." Nathaniel says and I bite my lip.

He's right, but I can't help it, it's just the way I am.


I hear the door go and I quickly finish what I was doing in the kitchen before rushing to the front door, however, Nathaniel has beat me to it.

"Well aren't you a beauty." I clench my jaw at my brother's words and sigh to myself knowing that this night can go many ways.

I watch as Amara walks through the door, eyeing my brother up and down before giving him a smile.

A smile that I want to myself.

"Who are you?" She questions and I watch Nathaniel smirk.

"This ones brother." He points over to me and I give Amara a small wave.

She takes me by surprise when a wide grin etches onto her face and she rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I've actually missed you today." She looks up at me but I am still in shock at her affection. I look over her head and towards my brother and he also looks shocked.

She pulls away and looks between Nathaniel and I with curious eyes and then her eyes widen.

She looks up at me and tells me silently to crouch down so she can whisper in my ear.

"Does he know I'm your student?" She whispers and then looks back at an amused Nathaniel.

"Yes." I answer and she slowly nods her head.

"Okay." She smiles. "So what have you made for dinner?" She begins to walk towards the kitchen and I look at her with a small smile.

In such a short amount of time she's managed to make herself comfortable in my lonely home.

"She's hot." Nathaniel speaks up next to me and I throw him a glare, not amused with his words.

"Shut up."

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