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It's the following day and I've decided it's probably best to go back to university. However, I am left confused when everyone is being gathered for an assembly with the Dean.

"What's happening?" I question Bo as we take a seat at the back.

"No idea, the Dean has an announcement to make. Apparently it's really serious." She shrugs while typing on her phone and I slowly nod my head.

As soon as the place is full the Dean stands up from his seat. "Good morning everyone, I'm sorry for the late minute assembly, however, something has occurred which I take as great concern. It is something that goes against our policy at our university."

I gulp beginning to feel anxious about what he is about to say.

"Now some of you may have already heard but there was an inappropriate relationship going on with a student and one of the professor's. Now I will not go in to detail but I've called you all here to remind you how we do not condone that kind of behaviour here. Your professors are here to teach you not to date. Yes you are grown adults but you follow the policy or find yourselves dropped from your course and the university as a whole." The Dean explains and my heart begins to pound and my breathing begins to increase.

"The people involved have been dealt with and will no longer be allowed on campus. Please prioritise your futures, all of that is not worth jeopardising it. Enjoy your day everybody." He dismisses.

I look at Bo who looks at me biting her lip. "Don't worry." She whispers and I nod my head. "I'll see you later for English." She kisses my cheek before we make our way out.

I look around the corridor and just about hear everyone gossiping about the new found information.

"She was probably fucking him so he could boost her grades."

"What a slut."

"That is so weird."

"That Professor is such a weirdo to sleep with a student."

I release a shaky breath. I'm suppose to be helping Matthew in his office sorting out his paperwork but now I'm not so sure.

I shouldn't let what everyone is saying affect my mood but if they are saying all this about the mystery student and Professor, what the hell would they say about Matthew and I?!

I don't want to ruin his reputation.

I decide to walk the opposite way from his office and towards the library instead.

As I try to read my book I can't help but feel distracted. I didn't think it was a big deal but now I know what the consequences would be I can't help but feel scared.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mutter to myself, biting my acrylic nails.

I then get a message from Matthew and I sigh.

M- Baby, where are you? Are you okay?

A- I'm just going to stay in the library, I've got a lot of work to do.

I bite my lip as I send the message and become anxious when he reads it straight away and begins to type.

M- If this is about that student and Professor please don't stress about it. Just come and see me.

A- okay

I gather all my things together and decide to take my time making my way to Matthew's office.

I spot Marie on my way there who looks me up and down before turning to continue her gossip with her friends. I roll my eyes, not in the mood for confrontation with her.

Once I reach his office, I open the door without knocking. I close it, throw my bag on the floor and throw myself on the sofa.

"Baby?" I look over to see Matthew sat on his desk. I sigh and look back up at the ceiling. I couldn't deal with Matthew losing his job all because of me. "Whatever your thinking about, stop it."

I sit up and face Matthew who is giving me a stern look.

"I really don't want us to get in trouble. Matthew you could lose your job and I could be kicked off my course." I stress, running my fingers through my hair.

"Mara." Matthew rushes over to crouch down in front of me. "Stop overthinking, we've been careful. Those people that got caught were having sex right on campus." My eyes widen.

"Really?" I whisper.

"Yes baby, that's the only reason they got caught. We will be okay." He reaches forwards to stroke my cheek and I nod my head. "Give me a kiss." He whispers so I lean forward and place a soft kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry. It was just all a shock when we found out earlier on, at first I thought people had found out about us and then it made me think what would happen if they did." I admit, running my fingers through his hair.

"I understand that, baby, but I'm not letting you go ever." He says, possessiveness laced in his voice and I smile gently.

"Okay, Mr possessive." I smirk and he wraps his arms around me, making me release a quiet squeal. "Oh yeah, I'm really sorry but I won't be able to stay with you this weekend." His face drops at my words and I begin to feel so guilty.

"Why?" He whispers.

"I'm going to visit my parents." I watch as he slowly nods his head. He avoids eye contact with me. "You'll be okay." I whisper.

"C-Can you not stay in a hotel while your there so I can come along? I-I know I'm being clingy but I've just got so used to you staying with me." He looks at me with wide eyes and I can't help but coo at how cute he looks.

"Baby." I whisper and he pouts his lips and I stroke his beard. "Okay. They won't mind me staying at a hotel, I've done it before anyway but you'll be alone during the day." I tilt my head at him and he shrugs.

"I don't care." He simply says and I smile.

"My big baby." I pout.

"You love it." He grins, kissing the palm of my hand before standing up just before the door flies open.

"Marie." I roll my eyes at the bitch who keeps her stare on me.

"I need a tutor." She demands and I scoff. "And I want her to be my tutor." I raise my eyebrows.

"You paying me?" I laugh at her.

"Yes." She shrugs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Well I decline, so find someone else." Her face drops a little and then she storms out. "That girl is getting more weird by the day." I sigh.

"I don't know why she would ask for a tutor, from the look of her work she's doing just fine." Matthew speaks up and I frown.

She's definitely up to something and I'm going to find out exactly what it is.

Thank you so much for 100,000 reads ily. I kind of want to do a q+a because I want you guys to get to know me better idkkk💜

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