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I take a sip from my champagne and eye Matthew up and down.

Although we've FaceTimed nearly every week, seeing him in person, I've realised he looks a lot more muscular. His arms are practically bulging out of the material of his shirt.

"Baby, you've been staring at me now for the past ten minutes." I look up into his eyes and smirk. "I'm hoping you like what you see." He whispers and my eyes soften.

"I always like what I see?" I lean forward on my arms, pushing my cleavage together. I watch Matthew gulp as he looks down at my chest. "You look sexy." I whisper seductively.

Matthew slowly closes his eyes, a small groan escaping his lips. I smile and take another sip from my champagne.

"Only for you, baby, only for you." He grabs hold of my hand and lifts it up to his soft lips, placing a kiss on the back of it.

"Where are you staying?" I question him and he tells me how he's staying in the five star hotel around the corner.

I playfully roll my eyes.

Of course he is.

"You wanna come back with me?" He asks, looking me up and down. I feel my face warm at his question.

It's been about a year and a half since we last slept together. I bite my lip and nod my head.

A grin etches onto his face but it soon falls when another man says my name behind me. I turn my head and spot Sam, a friend I've made since I've been here.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" I smile up at him and watch as his eyes fall to Matthew who is glaring at him.

"Just picking up some food." He shrugs, his hands in his pocket. "Who's this?"

I go to answer him but Matthew beats me to it.

"I'm her husband." My eyes widen and I give Sam a small smile.

"I-You didn't tell me you were married?" He whispers in shock and I release a nervous laugh.


"We like to keep our relationship private." Matthew speaks up for me and I lightly scoff.

Don't we just.

"We actually need to get going, my wife needs my undivided attention." I nearly choke on my saliva at Matthew's words. "If you'll excuse us." He stands up, buttoning up his suit jacket before holding his hand out for me.

I smile and stand up, taking his hand.

"I'll see you around, Sam." I wave and he gives me a tight-lipped smile before Matthew is dragging me out of the restaurant and down the street towards his hotel.

"Matthew, calm down." I laugh and he slows down and looks at me. "Sam is harmless."

"Don't care." I decide not to argue with him as we walk along the street.

As soon as we make it to his hotel my mouth falls open.

"Holy shit, Matthew! How much is this costing you?" I look up at him with wide eyes and he chuckles lightly.

"Doesn't matter."

We walk through the lobby and I begin to feel nervous as he leads me to the lift.

"C-Can we get a drink first?" The nerves are making me want to stall.

"Sure, we can order a bottle of champagne to our room if you like?" I gulp and nod my head.

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