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"I think we should get married here in Greece." Matthew speaks up as we sit on the beach.

I nod my head but hold my breath when I inhale the salty smell of the sea in front of us. My mouth begins to salivate way too much and I try to hold back the feeling of wanting to throw up.

"Mara?" Matthew questions, looking down at me. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes, yes." I rush out and shut my mouth again.  I try to give Matthew my best smile as he looks down at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He looks my body up and down in worry.

"I think that calamari we had earlier on has unsettled my stomach." I tell Matthew and he frowns harder.

"But I feel okay, surely if it was bad we would both be feeling sick." He tries to reason and this time I frown.

"Does the sea smell funny to you also?" Matthew lightly chuckles at my question.

"Baby, did the chef slip something in your food? The sea smells like what the sea should smell like-salt." He whispers, his face staring down at me in amusement.

"Matthew, I feel really sick, it's not funny." I pout and he goes back to being serious and staring at me in worry. "Can we just go back to the hotel?"

"Yes, of course. Maybe you need to sleep on it and if you're not feeling better in the morning we'll go to the hospital." I nod my head and let him take my hand as he leads us back to our hotel which isn't far from where we are.

As soon as we're through the door to our room, I lay down on the bed.

"You okay?"

"I think it might of been the sea because I don't feel too bad now." Matthew sits on the edge of the bed, the small frown still on his handsome face.

Then his frown forms into a look of realisation.

"What is it?" I sit up and frown at him.

"Baby, we've know...having sex a lot." My mouth falls open because I know where he's getting at with this.

"You think I could be pregnant?" I whisper and he give me a small smile, nodding his head.

I slowly nod my head and look down at my hands, my eyes watering.

"Please don't dwell on the past, baby. We're in the right place now, we wasn't over a year ago." Matthew gently grabs hold of my face and begins to wipe the tears away with the pad of his thumbs.

"I know, it just makes me sad sometimes." I sniffle and wrap my arms around him.

"I know, baby, but we need to think of the future. That's what matters." He pulls back and smiles. "Give me your beautiful smile." I can't help but smile at him.

"I'll get a test tomorrow."

"Okay." Matthew kisses the top of my head and then lays on his back, pulling me on top of his chest. "I love you."

"And I love you."


I try not to throw up as the plane takes off. I begin to fidget around, trying my best to not let everything out on my lap but the turbulence is not helping.

I am one hundred percent pregnant. Matthew and I found out a few hours ago before we got to the airport.

Everyone looks so calm and I just know that I look crazy uncomfortable.

"Mara?" I look over at Matthew and then down at his lap to see his open hand.

I smile gently and thread my fingers through his. My heart warms when he leans down to kiss the side of my head.

"You want some water?" Matthew questions, unscrewing the lid to a water bottle. I nod my head, ready to take it out of his hands, but Matthew decides to hold it up against my lips instead.

I playfully roll my eyes but take a few small sips from the bottle. 

"I've got you." He whispers and my heart flutters.

"I know you do." I smile.

"I've got my last therapy session in the next couple days. Jessie, my therapist, said you should join me." I tilt my head at him.

While Matthew and I have been travelling he has been attending Skype calls with a therapist to help him overcome his trauma and nightmares.

I smile.

"I'd love that."

"Thank you." I go to speak but the turbulence from the plane has me snapping my mouth shut. "Please don't throw up on me." I playfully hit his arm and close my eyes as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"No promises."


"This is nice." I squeal in excitement as Matthew and I enter the luxury hotel room which is decorated in white and gold. I walk over to the balcony window that overlooks the beach.

We landed in Turkey a couple hours ago and it's now three in the morning.

"Baby, you must be tired." I release a sigh of relief when Matthew begins to massage my shoulders. "I'll run you a bath."

"Will you join me?" I turn to look up at him and he smirks, nodding his head.

We walk into the bathroom which is designed with white marble. Matthew begins to fill the tub and I decide to strip out of my clothes.

Once the tub is half way full, Matthew takes my hand and helps me into the tub before stripping out of his clothes himself and climbing in behind me.

I release a massive sigh of relief and relax even more. Matthew's hand begins to rub up and down my stomach and I smile gently.

"My little angels." He whispers gently. "God, I can't wait to be a father." He says and I grin.

"I know you'll be an amazing dad." I compliment. "But if you spoil them like you're spoiling me then don't come to me when they cry every time you say no."

"Who says I'm going to say no?" I look up at him to see his eyebrows raised.

"Matthew." I give him a deadpan look and he chuckles.

"Amara." He mimics me and I smile, shaking my head and turn back round.

I moan when he begins to place kisses on my neck.

"Mmm, as much as I want you, I know you need sleep." I whine at his words even though deep down he's right. "Also you need the rest because your family and my brother are flying out tomorrow, I've got a surprise."

I jump up in shock.

"But I haven told them I'm pregnant! My mother won't even need me to tell her, she'll know as soon as the plane touches the ground." I panic and Matthew's eyes widen.

"Baby, I think you might be over exaggerating a little." He releases a nervous chuckle.

"Don't tell me I'm over exaggerating!" I exclaim and then slap my hand over my mouth. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout!"

Great! Now I'm crying.

All Matthew can do is look at me with wide eyes.

I give him a sheepish smile.



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