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"I've had enough of this place!" I storm into Matthew's office and watch as he jumps at my dramatic entrance. He's sat at his desk and it looks like he's marking peoples work.

"W-What's wrong?" He stutters and I sigh, situating myself on the sofa.

"I'm just so tired." I lay down on the sofa and rest my head back against the soft pillows.

"Same." I hear him say and I sit up a little to see that he does in fact look tired.

"Did you not get enough sleep last night?" He shakes his head. "Matthew I said to call me if you can't sleep."

"I don't want to bother you, Amara. I'm a grown man, I'll be fine." He shrugs and continues to mark the papers on his desk.

"You're not a bother, I gave you my number because I wanted to help you. Like I said, you shouldn't have to suffer alone." I explain and Matthew sighs before placing his pen down and looking at me.

"I'm just embarrassed." He whispers and I tilt my head at him. "I'm a grown man having nightmares, I'm surprised you don't think I'm weird." He gulps and then avoids eye contact with me.

I stand up and make my way over to stand in front of his desk.

"I don't find you weird, it's completely normal to have nightmares." I smile gently and he returns the gesture.

"You don't find me weird?" He stares up at me with wide blue eyes.

"No I don't, I think you're really cool." I lean down, resting my hands on his desk, giving him a massive grin.

I watch his eyes divert to my chest and he gulps quickly looking away.

"Please call me when you have a nightmare, I promise you that I won't mind."

"Okay." He whispers. "You c-can take a nap for a little while but I do have a meeting in-" he checks his watch, "-in just over an hour."

"Thanks." I grin and he gives me a small smile.

I make my way back to the sofa and then I get comfortable. I end up falling asleep not long after I've closed my eyes. However, I am soon woken up by Matthew gently shaking my shoulder, I slowly open my eyes and groan, snuggling into the blanket he must of given me while I was asleep.

"Mara, come on wake up." Matthew whispers gently and I open my eyes and slowly sit up. "I'm sorry, you looked so peaceful but I have my meeting now." I nod my head in understanding and collect my bag before standing up.

"Thanks Matthew." I grin and before he can say anything I make my way out of his office.

I end up waiting an hour for Bo to finish her revision session. I'm sat outside on a bench near the car park, the sun is still shining making my mood brighter. I pout my lip and play with the end of my skirt.

The sound of the door opening and closing grabs my attention and I look up to see Matthew walking out with his briefcase and his suit jacket on his arm.

Why does this man look so effortlessly hot?!

He soon sees me and furrows his eyebrows before making his way over to me.

"Amara, are you okay?" I nod my head at his question. "W-Why have you not gone home yet? Do you need a lift?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm waiting for my friend." He frowns.

"That boy?" I smirk, laughing lightly.

"No, my friend, Bo." I correct him and he slowly nods his head.

"Will you be okay by yourself?" He begins to become flustered and I smile.

"I'm a big girl, Matthew. I'll be okay." I reassure him and he nods his head before taking a step back.

"Have a good weekend." He smiles, giving me a small wave.

"You too." I wave back and watch as he makes his way back to his car. He casts one quick glance at me before climbing into his car and speeding off.


I jump awake when my phone begins to ring. I switch the light on and check the caller ID to see that it's Matthew.

"Hello." I answer straight away.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you, Mara." He rasps and my eyes widen a little at how hot he sounds down the phone. "I-It's just you s-said to call and I-I....this was a bad idea, sorry." He hangs up, leaving me shocked.

I begin to call him back but his phone goes to voicemail.

"Shit." I whisper. I check the time and see that it's only one in the morning.

Maybe I should go and see him.

I nod to myself and climb out of bed, putting some shoes and a coat on before grabbing my keys.

The drive to Matthew's only takes around fifteen minutes. I pull up outside and rush out of my car, I know he will be awake, so I knock on the door a couple times.

A couple minutes later and the door opens to reveal a shocked and topless Matthew.

"Mara?" He says in shock and ushers me inside. "Why are you here? Do you know how dangerous it is to leave your home at this time?" He lightly scolds and I give him a sheepish smile.

"You called and I was worried because you hung up and then you wouldn't answer my calls. I just wanted to see if you were okay." I look up at his tall frame and he sighs.

"I-It's my fault, I shouldn't of called you. Something bad could of happened to you on your way here." He clutches his hair tightly and I watch with wide eyes. "I knew I shouldn't of called, I'm such an idiot."

"I'm okay, Matthew." I reassure him and he slowly calms down, nodding his head.

"I'll get the spare room ready and then I'll be in my office." He whispers and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're not going back to sleep?" I question in concern and he shakes his head.

"I can't go back to sleep and go through it again." He tells me and I soon think of an idea.

"What if I stayed with you?" His eyes widen at my suggestion. "Nothing sexual of course, but maybe you just need a sleeping buddy." I smile and he bites his lip.

"W-Would you be comfortable doing that though?" He questions in an unsure tone.

"I suggested it didn't I? Come on, Matthew, if it helps you sleep." He thinks about it for a couple more minutes before nodding his head. "Great."

I take him by surprise and grab hold of his hand, leading him up the stairs and towards his bedroom.

I climb into his bed which is still slightly warm and pat the spare space. He hesitantly gets in and I cover us with the duvet, I can feel that he is slightly tense.

"Are you okay?" I hear him gulp and watch as he nods his head, relaxing a little.

"Thank you for helping me, Amara." He whispers and I shuffle closer.

"Your bed is really comfy." He chuckles at my words.

Then we are soon drifting off to sleep.

Thank you for 9,000 followers, ly guys!💜

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