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I watch my brother with cautious eyes as he eats the food that Matthew made him. He's showered and Matthew gave him some fresh clothes to change in to.

Matthew freaked out when I left the shop but once he saw who was standing in front of me he understood why. He was just as shocked as me, especially because that was the first time in ten years that he had seen Khye as well.

I jump when I feel Matthew place his hand on my lower back. Khye looks up at us and I watch as his eyes alternate between Matthew and I.

"Khye." I whisper and watch him gulp. "We need to get you professional help." I tell him, reaching forward to stroke his hollow cheek. His eyes begin to water again and a small sob escapes his lips- I instantly pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry." He cries out, clutching onto me tightly.

"Shhh, it's okay." I say, rubbing his back. I look behind me at Matthew to see him staring at his best friend-his eyes glossy.

"I let everyone down. I promise, I didn't mean to, Mari." He clutches onto me tightly and I let my own tears silently fall.

"You're hurting, Khye. You've been through a lot but I'm going to help you on your road to recovery." I smile gently.

"We both are." Matthew speaks up behind me and Khye looks at his friend with wide eyes. I pull away from my brother and watch as the two best friends pull each other into a brotherly hug. "I've missed you so much." Matthew whispers and Khye clenches his eyes shut.

"I'm really sorry, Matthew." Matthew pulls away and pats him on the shoulder, giving him a tight-lipped smile.

"You need some rest. I'll show you to the spare bedroom." Matthew begins to lead Khye out of the kitchen but Khye stops and turns to face me.

"Night, Mari." He smiles and I return the gesture.

"Goodnight, Khye." I smile giving him a small wave.

I decide to clean the kitchen and after ten minutes, Matthew comes back down and releases a tired sigh.

"I need to find him a good rehabilitation centre which is affordable." I stress, rubbing my face in frustration.

"I'll pay for it, baby." My head shoots up at his words and I look at him with wide eyes.

"I can't let you do that, Matthew." He reaches forward and strokes my cheeks.

"I want to and I will. You're my girl and he's my best friend, let me help." I wrap my hands gently around his wrists and pout my lips. Matthew smirks and leans forward to place a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you."

My heart warms and I smile brightly up at him.

"And I love you." I whisper.

"Now I'm tired, so we will sort this out in the morning. Let's go to bed, baby." He grabs hold of my hand and leads me up the stairs and towards our bedroom.

I'm already in my pyjamas so I quickly climb underneath the covers and release a small satisfied sigh.

Matthew chuckles and I watch with lust-filled eyes as he strips all the way down to his boxers before climbing under the covers with me.

I instantly attach myself to him. Matthew wraps his muscly arms around me and places a soft kiss on my forehead as I rest my head on his chest.

"What are you going to tell your parents?" He questions me and I freeze.

Oh shit. I completely forgot about them.

"I'll let them know in the morning. I don't want to overwhelm Khye and I really want to get him into rehab as soon as possible." I sigh in frustration and Matthew tightens his arms around me.

"Please, Mara. I don't want you to stress yourself, I will pay for his rehab. I don't want you to feel like you are all alone in this." He lifts my chin up with his finger to make eye contact with me.

"You're amazing." I reach up and stroke his beard. He turns his head and kisses the palm of my hand.

A small squeal escapes my lips when he pulls me to lay on top of him. I giggle when he begins to place sloppy kisses on my neck.

"Matthew." I moan as he begins to suck on my neck, definitely leaving a mark.

"Let's sleep." He stops and places one last kiss on my cheek before switching the bedside lamp off.


I hang up the phone on my parents and release a shaky breath. As soon as I explained to them what happened last night my mum instantly broke down, demanding to speak to Khye.

As hard as it was, I had to say no. I don't want to overwhelm Khye and it would probably be best for him to settle in to the rehabilitation centre first that Matthew found this morning. Khye is set to go there in the next two days.

"How did you find me?" I ask my brother, confused as to how we were coincidentally in the same place at the same time.

"I sleep by that shop every now and again. I saw you and Matthew walk in but I was too nervous to go to you and ask for help." My heart drops at the thought of what would of happened if I hadn't seen him.

He would still be suffering.

"You have to be completely honest with me, Khye and you have to promise me you are willing to help yourself. You deserve to have a good life." I plead with my brother. He nods his head at my words and runs his fingers through his curly hair that Matthew kindly cut for him.

Matthew has been silent next to me as he observes Khye. I can see his jaw clench and unclench and I just know that he is dying to ask questions.

Khye must sense Matthew's anxiousness and smiles gently. He gives him a small nods.

"Why did you leave?" Matthew's voice cracks and Khye gulps and looks away from Matthew's intense stare. "I wanted to help you, I was willing and ready to help you but you left." My brother clenches his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry, Matthew. I was never in the right state of mind, drugs makes you do some stupid shit. I could always see the disappointment on my parents face when I'd stumble through the door, high as fuck. I was too far gone, Matthew. I had to leave." Khye hangs his head in shame and my eyes water.

"It's my biggest regret, leaving. I only got worse, there were so many times that I would wake up in a hospital or in an alleyway somewhere. When I left that night, I was under the influence, I woke up out of town and the shame that I felt was immense. I just knew I couldn't come back."

"Khye, we thought you were dead!" I exclaim. "We mourned you, we just wanted you home and safe. You should know your friends and family well enough to know we wouldn't of been ashamed of you." Khye hesitantly nods his head.

"I-erm....met this couple a few days after I left, they took me in b-but then I started to notice how they would use me to go and collect the drugs. I'd take the beatings for them when they didn't have any form of payment. When I'd try to leave they would say how I'm ungrateful and that they know people who they would send to kill me." I suck in a harsh breath at his words.

"Was it those people who I saw you with the last time I saw you?" Khye nods his head and then casts Matthew a wary glance and I frown. "What is it?"

"I only recently found out who they are." He looks back down at the floor.

"Who are they, Khye?"

"Matthew's parents."

Sorry for the wait 💜

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