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"I'm going to put in my resignation letter." Matthew speaks up and I furrow my eyebrows. I sit up on the bed and stare down at him with wide eyes.


"No, Mara. I'm fed up with us being a secret, I want to go out with you without worrying that someone is going to see us. I want to hold your hand and kiss you in public, letting all them other guys know that you're mine." He states, sitting up with me. Matthew reaches forward to stroke my cheek and I smile gently.

"But your job, Matthew. I know you love it." I whisper, leaning further into his touch.

"I love you more." My heart flutters at his words. "I love you so much more. I have enough money to last me a lifetime, I don't need that job but what I do need is you, baby."

He places a gentle kiss on my cheek.

God I love this man.

"But Nathaniel, he's probably gone to beat Zion up. He'll know somethings up if you quit your job. Maybe you should wait until this has blown over a little." I reason with him and watch him think about it for a minute.

But then he shakes his head.


"Matthew, you could quit and Zion would still go and tell his uncle. I might lose my place at the university if they decide to investigate." I tell him and his face softens.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Mara. I'm not thinking properly." He runs his hands up and down his face and releases a tired sigh. "This is a mess isn't it?" He chuckles lightly and I smile, stroking the stubble on his face.

"It's a mess we will resolve. Eventually." I reassure him and he nods his head and soon begins to run his hand up and down my thighs until his fingers brush the waistline of my underwear.

"Can I touch you, baby?" He tilts his head.

"Yes." I bite my lip and lay back down on my back so he can hover over me.

"Fuck, you make me lose all vigilance when I'm around you." He grunts as he lays kisses up and down my body.

I release a small moan and thread my fingers through his soft, silky hair.

"I love you." I smile innocently and trace my fingers lightly up and down his hard abs hidden under his t-shirt. I watch his face go a light shade of red and a light shiver runs across his body.

We stare up at each other and it's in this moment that we realise how deep in love we are with each other. Then we are soon ripping each others clothes off, our lips clashing together.

I release a gasp when Matthew sinks himself inside me. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and begins to thrust hard and deep. 

I wrap my legs tight around his waist as he begins to frantically thrust in and out of me. I grab hold of his face and give him a passionate kiss that makes my body tingle. His soft lips against mine feels perfect.

"You feel so good, baby." Matthew moans against my lips so I tighten my walls around his thick length.

He continues to hit a spot which makes me see stars and I soon find myself coming hard around him. Matthew shortly follows after, coming deep inside of me.

We're both out of breath by the time we've finished and I look up at him with a small smirk.

"My Angel." I whisper and he bites his lip. "I'm so glad I met you."

"So am I, baby." He whispers back.


I walk through the corridor warily. The thought of bumping into Zion scares me. I have an hour before my lesson with Matthew so I make my way to the library.

As soon as I make it to the library I walk over to my usual spot, but frown when I see Marie sat there, her head down.

I shrug and go to make my way to another table but her head shoots up. I frown when I see her bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair.

"Amara?" She whispers.

I slowly make my way over to her and sit down on the chair opposite.

"Are you okay?" I question, genuinely concerned for her.

I've never seen the girl like this ever.

"That evening when I saw you....did Zion hurt you?" Her voice cracks and my heart drops.

"He touched me but I got away before anything worse could happen. Why?" I frown and her eyes begin to water.

"H-He hurt me. I asked him what he was doing and h-he touched me. H-He wouldn't stop even when I said no." She cries and my heart breaks for the girl.

No-one deserves that.

I stand up and pull her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Marie." I whisper and she begins to sob into my stomach.

I stroke her hair, trying to calm her down. People look at us in shock but I roll my eyes ignoring them all.

"He won't get away with this, Marie." I pull back and crouch down in front of her.

She looks around before leaning down to whisper something.

"He told me you and Professor James are together." My eyes widen. "You two look good together." She smiles gently, wiping her tears away and I smile back.

"You're not going to snitch?" I question in confusion because I'm pretty sure the girl had a crush on him.

"I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed. He's a lucky guy." She looks me up and down.


"I didn't know you were-"

"I'm bi." She tells me and I look at her in shock. "I've crushed on both of you." She scratches the back of her neck awkwardly. "Zion told me that he's going to tell the Dean about you two. We have to stop him Amara. He can't get away with what he's done to us." I nod my head, agreeing with the girl.

"He won't."


Bo, Marie and I sit in the lecture hall and watch as everyone walks in.

My body tenses when Zion walks in with a black eye which I know was caused by Nathaniel.

His eyes look up at the three of us and his face turns into a snarl but then he smirks and winks.

He's crazy!

I start to panic when there is no sign of my Matthew. The lesson is supposed to start now but he is nowhere to be seen.

He's never late.

After twenty minutes panic turns into absolute terror, especially when the Dean walks in.

"Hello everyone. I'm here to tell you that you are all dismissed for the day. Unfortunately Professor James will no longer be teaching you due to some serious accusations that I will need to sort out." Everyone begins to talk but I nearly throw up in my mouth.

"Miss Wesley."

No, no, no.


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