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"How was your night last night?" I wiggle my eyebrows at my best friend and she smirks.

"I could ask you the same thing." She winks and we both begin to laugh.

"Yeah it was good." I nod. "I feel like Matthew is getting a lot more comfortable with me, so that's a positive sign." I grin, resting back against the sofa.

"I really like Tiana." Bo blurts out. "I think it was just sex to her last night though."

"What's got you thinking that?" I turn to face her, cuddling a pillow to my chest.

"She didn't stay the whole night and she said she would message me but she hasn't." She begins to bite her nails and I'm left shocked.

Usually it's Bo that does the one night stands, but to see my best friend upset over one is something I've never seen before.

"She's probably a little busy, Bo. Don't overthink it, she will message." I reassure my friend and she smiles nodding her head.

"Yeah you're right, who can resist me?!" She flicks her pink hair and I giggle. "I'm guessing you'll be going to Matthew's house later."

"Well actually I sent him a message asking but he hasn't replied. It's not like him, he usually replies seconds after I've messaged him and it's been two hours." Have I done something to upset him?

Or maybe I was too full on yesterday and I've scared him off.

"Maybe he's got a lot going on and he'll reply later." She reasons and I sigh to myself. "I can tell he really, really likes you Amara. He'd tell you if something was going on." I slowly nod my head.

"I'll probably be staying here tonight." I tell her and she grins. "Movie night?"

"Movie night." She nods.


Bo's head lays on my lap as we watch Mean Girls. It's ten at night and all I can feel is disappointment-all because Matthew is ignoring my messages and calls.

Bo's phone lights up with a notification and I smile when I see Tiana's name.

"Bo." I whisper, shaking her awake and she squints her eyes, sitting up. "Tiana's messaged you." She squeals and sits up straight away.

"She wants to go for lunch tomorrow." She whispers with wide eyes and I grin, happy for my best friend.

"That's great news, Bo!" We give each other a hug and finish off our film before we both part ways, going to bed.

As I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling I wonder what is going on with my Matthew.

Maybe he's doubting what's going on between us.

Maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore.

I bite my lip and close my eyes ready for sleep to consume me until I get a text message. Just like Bo earlier on, I jump up and quickly check the notification.

M- I'm outside.

I furrow my eyebrows at his sudden message and hop out of bed to look out the window. I look down and spot his car.

I grab my overnight bag and rush to put my shoes on. I leave Bo a quick note so she doesn't panic in the morning and then make my way out of our home and outside towards Matthew's car.

I take a seat and silently sit in the passenger seat. 

"Baby?" He whispers and I sigh, turning to look at him.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls and messages?" I question him straight away and he sighs again, deciding to stare ahead.

"Sorry, I haven't had my phone on me and Nathaniel was arrested." He stressfully runs his fingers through his hair.

"Arrested?" I frown.

"His club was raided. It's a long story, I've been at the station all day, trying to bail him out." He tells me.

"Did you get him out?" Matthew nods his head and then grabs hold of my hand.

"I'm really sorry if I worried and upset you, Mara. I would of called from the police station but I didn't know your number off by heart." He raises the back of my hand to his lips and places a small kiss on it.

"Okay, I forgive you because for one second there I thought you didn't want me anymore." I laugh, feeling a massive relief.

"Mara, I could never feel that way about you." He whispers and I smile. "You mean too much to me." My heart begins to race at his words.


"This is nice" I whisper.

Matthew and I are having a bath together, I sit in between his legs, my back resting against his chest. He runs his fingers along my stomach and I sigh, resting my head back.

"I want to tell you a little about my past, about how I got this scar." I freeze at his words.

"You don't have to." I turn my head to look at him and he smiles gently, kissing my forehead.

"I want to." I turn in his arms and straddle his waist.


And the he begins to explain how every week his father would send him to collect his parcel stashed with drugs. How one night he failed to pay the dealer and Matthew got caught in the crossfire and had to face the consequences.

I run my finger along the scar that runs down his cheek.

"I went back home that night and he laughed, Mara. He laughed. He only took me to the hospital a week later when the wound got infected, I had to tell the doctors that I did it to myself and they put me in the psych ward for six months."

"Matthew." I whisper in shock and he smiles.

"I certainly wasn't crazy going into that place but coming out....I don't know what to tell you." He shakes his head. "Two months after I came out they abandoned my brother and I. He was only four. We got put into the system until they found our grandparents who took care of us until they died."

"Your nightmares. Is it about the night you got attacked?" I question, biting my lip.

"That and being on the psych ward. Sometimes I still hear the screams of people in that place." He clenches his eyes shut and my heart breaks for the man. "B-But when you're with me it goes away." His eyes open again and he stares at me with warm, blue eyes.

"I'm really sorry that you had to go through all of that." I say and he reaches forward to stroke my cheek.

"It's not your fault, baby." Every time that nickname comes out of his mouth the more I fall for him. "I-I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to make us official, even if we do have to keep it a secret for a little while."

My face brightens.

"Really?" He nods his head and I squeal, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "I'll be your girlfriend." I whisper and I feel the goosebumps rise on his skin.



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