Chapter 5 Part 3:Beautiful View

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T.W: Sexual Harassment
this chapter contains sexual harassment! If you're not comfortable reading it you may skip


"What do you want to ride first?" Sage holds her hand with the warm smile the other girl loves. The Mexican girl was quite in disbelief noticing the other girl was the one who held her hand first. Her heart felt warm and fuzzy just by looking at her smile. It feels as if her day is complete. "Why is your smile so cute?" Reyna smiled unknowingly to herself. "This one" Reyna pointed at Sage. The Chinese woman looked down at the ground but still held her hand. "You're so sickening!" Sage turned away from Reyna with their hands separating each other.

The Mexican noticed Sages ear bright red. "Sage was your ear always this red?" Reyna teased the Chinese woman, hugging her from behind as she take a better look at it. Sage ducks in embarrassment covering her ears with her cheeks getting more flushed. "I WILL LEAVE YOU, IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN" The girl ducking threatened Reyna.

She earned a chuckle from the Mexican. "Yeah I guess I'll never leave you alone then, stand up properly and hold my hand again." The Mexican stood beside her looking at various rides at the park. Reyna smiled as she close and open her hand a few times waiting for Sages hand. "I hate you" Sage looks at her hand and holds it once again. "I love you too" She puts her hand inside her pockets dragging Sages hand in. They walked side by side walking around the amusement park.

"You can chose, wait here" Reyna said as Sage sit in a metal bench. She wondered where she was going but didn't say anything and sat there waiting. The tattooed woman fades away from the scene and went to some building. Not long after 2 guys approached the woman seating on the metal bench. She didn't notice them looking at her before they went towards her.

"Hey girl, 'you alone?" The first guy said sitting beside her wrapping his arms on her shoulder. She was a bit startled at the sudden action but quickly answered. "No, I'm waiting for someone..." She smiled weakly at them. Sage gently removes his hand from touching her shoulders. He moved closer to her closing the gap between their shoulders and legs. "I think he's not coming" The other guy snickered as he intentionally drop his wallet. He picked up his wallet while looking at her legs. He smiled perversely at her.

She noticed the action and stood up from the bench. The guy sitting beside her lightly touched her legs as she stands up. She tooka deep breath and just walked away from the two, hoping Reyna would come back sooner so that she could leave. The two guys didn't leave her alone and went to her. "Baby where are you going? Were just having fun" The guy who sat beside her grabbed her hand making her look at them again. The other guy nodded and winked at her. "Your man be wasting a pretty girl like you by leaving her alone unattended." The guy who winked said.

She forced a smile at them as she apply more strength into removing his grip on her arm. "Please go away" Sage said in an irritated voice. "We're not goin' if you're not going" They chuckled at her as one of them squeezed her behind. She had enough and her instincts was to punch him. Her punch broke his nose causing it to bleed. "Shit..." He said covering his nose. The other guy was left furious and attempted to hurt her. "Fucking bitch, are you crazy?!" He shouted at her. Luckily there wasn't many people surrounding that part of the amusement park so they didn't draw much attention.

'I've had a gun pointed at me and I'm supposed to be scared by him?'

Sage thought as he grab her arm once again. "He's bleeding! Crazy bitch..." He frowned at her taunting to punch her as he strangle her neck with his other hand. She struggled to breathe as he strangle her more.

The tattooed woman returned back and saw what was happening. She gave all tbe items she had in her hand to Skye who helped her and quickly rushed over to the guy. "Who the fuck are you?" She yanked him away from Sage and lifted him eye level grabbing his shirt. The Australian girl watched from afar not wanting to get involved and expose Reyna's gifts for Sage. "Put me down you psycho!" He shouted angrily at her. The other guy looked at Reyna in fear as their eyes meet. "What did they do to you?" The woman glared at Sage with a serious look. The Chinese woman couldn't help but explain everything they did to her while she was gone. "That wasn't true! She's the first one to punch!" The guy being lifted tried to lie.

"Shut your filthy mouth..." She frowned at him. Her empress side was a little bit taking over her voice and that alone terrified the two men. The other guy was at the ground with his legs weak not able to move. She grabbed him by his hair tightly as she dragged both of them in a dark alley. Sage widened her eyes and followed Reyna. "This is where you rot" She laughed with her voice sounding sinister. She grabbed the first guys neck and was just about to break it when Sage stopped her. Both of the guys are begging and kept apologizing with tears streaming down their cheeks. "Stop, are you going to kill them?!" Sage questioned. Reyna snapped back into reality looking at Sage. "Yes, these men should die" She answered with no hesitation while both men shivered in fear.

"No, this experience can change their attitud-"


Reyna snapped his neck to the side leaving him lifeless while the other guy tried to leave still with weak legs he couldn't stand very well. "You didn't let me finish" Sage frowned at her girlfriend. "He strangled you" She sighs looking at her, letting the lifeless body of the man fall down to the cold concrete ground. Sage still a bit mad that Reyna didn't even let her finish her explaining, looks at her. The mexican woman walks towards her and hugged her. She hugged her as if she was something fragile and could break easily. The man still on the ground said. "Please have mercy. Her boyfriend was taking too long, we just wanted to accompany her-" He trembled.

Sage broke the hug and walked at him with him still shaking in fear. She frowned at him. "Your right hand is disgusting" She sighed at him as she look at his right hand that was used to squeeze her behind. She saw a rock beside a trashcan and grabbed it. The mexicans was shocked at her actions but didn't say anything. "It's not a boyfriend" She said to him before striking the rock hardly at his cranium making him unconscious. "it's a girlfriend" She said as she let his body fall beside his friend before throwing the rock hardly at his head.

She went back to embracing Reyna still with her hands stained with blood. Reyna was still slight in shock because she thought Sage wouldn't be able to kill someone outside mission. The Mexican ate the soul of the first man while Sage hit her lightly. "Is our day ruined?" The tattooed girl asked as she look at her with eyes that was full of emotions. The woman Sage once thought was heartless and emotionless showed her a side of her that was the complete opposite of what she knew.

"No, but what took you so long?" The healer questioned her as she wipe the blood from her hand. "I'll have to show it to you later" She sighed while Sage fixed her clothing, removing any dirt or dust in it. "I'm sorry" Reyna apologized at her feeling responsible for what happened. Sage pulled her into a warm embrace once again, caressing her back. "It's okay they're dead" The healer smiled at her. "You say that so calmly" The Mexican laughed at her softly. She pinched her cheek stretching them lightly where it didn't hurt Sage.

They both left the place and decided to ride a ferris-wheel. (Don't worry Skye called Omen to dispose the bodies) They waited in the queue and when it was finally their turn and the others, they're finally alone. "what a day!" Sage stretched her arms as she look outside the sunset. "This view looks amazing..." Sage said in an awe. The people below them looks like small ants. The lighting from the rays of the golden sun shined into them enhancing their beauty. Sage was looking at how the landscape around them looked so beautiful but to Reyna, Sages beauty is still superior.

'You're the most beautiful view here, it makes you even more gorgeous when you don't realize it.'

Reyna smiled at herself as she look at Sage lovingly. They reached the top of the wheel and saw one of the best views to be seen.


Reyna called out catching the healers attention. She looked at her with a raised brow smiling. The Mexican pecked her lips and then looked at the view outside. The Chinese woman smiled at her and looked back at the view.

Thanks for reading this chapter! <3

Thanks for the reads, votes and comments❤️✨ They give me motivation to write more :) love y'all

Have a nice day 🌈❤️

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