louis stomach bug (Larry)

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Louis rolled over in his small bunk bed in the moving tour bus, as he felt a sharp pain rush though his stomach. He lifted his phone and squirmed as the bright light hit his face, he looked back and saw it was 1:34am. Louis led still in his bed trying to ignore the agenizing pain he was in, he soon realised Harry wasn't in the bed opposite him. Louis slowly rolled himself out of his bed and stood up, when he lifted his head he felt a sudden rush of dizziness, Louis managed to steady himself and walk towards the front of the bus where he saw Harry watching a film on the sofa.

"What you doing, love?" Harry asked, "Don't feel the best, what you doing?" replied Louis "Just watching a film not really tired, what's hurting?", Louis suddenly fell to his knees and curled up in a ball, Harry was by his side within seconds. Louis let a small squeal and he fell into Harry's arms. "Is your tummy hurting you Lou?" Harry asked in a worried tone. He felt a small nod against his chest, "Do you feel sick? Should I take you over to the sink?" he felt another nod. Harry stood up and slowly lifted Louis to his feet. He was shaking.

Harry carefully walked Louis over to the sink and held his shoulders as he slumped himself over. Louis could feel a hand doing circles round his back and he felt a feeling comfort. It took a few minuets for Louis to actually be sick, after spitting and coughing. Louis raised his head and looked at Harry for a few seconds before resting his head in the tall boys warm body. "Do you feel any better now, love?" Harry whispered, Louis shook his head. For a few minutes they stood by the sink with Louis head placed in Harry's chest and Harry's arms around his sick boy.

All the talking had awoken Naill, he stumbled into the front of the tour bus still half awake and ask why all the noise was necessary, Harry told Naill about how Louis had been sick and how he still wasn't felling well. Because Niall was already awake he decided to stay at the front of the bus to make sure his friend was and make sure Harry didn't need any help.

after 5 minuets of standing around, Harry decided it would be best for Louis to lay down. slowly he took Louis over to the sofa. He pulled Louis closer to him as he felt the sick boys hot sweaty body against his chest. He started running his hands through Louis silky hair, Harry could feel drips of water falling onto his shirt. He pulled Louis in closer so he didn't get embarrassed that he was crying.

The morning came and louis and fallen asleep in Harry's arms on the sofa, Harry was asleep to. Niall had also fallen asleep on the floor near the boys. When Liam woke up he could see that only Zayn was still in bed, he was confused as to wear the other boys were. He took himself to the front of the bus to find boys asleep. He could see how pale louis looked and see he was in Harry's arm so Liam walked over to Niall and woke him up. Niall was soon awake and caught Liam up about what had happened the night before.

After about an hour of Liam and Niall sitting around watching tv Harry stared to wake up which made Louis wake up as well. "morning boys" said Liam, "morning" Harry mumbled. Harry noticed he had waken Louis up as his eyes were open and he was yawning. "how are you feeling?, love," Harry asked through his yawn, "I- I'm felling the same" Louis said stumbling over his words. Meanwhile Niall had gone to ask Paul how long they had until they reached there hotel and to Louis relief Niall came back and announced they were only 20 minuets away, after hearing this information Liam realised he needed to wake Zayn so he left to awaken the sleepy boy.

Harry decided it would best to get Louis a drink to help him feel better, at this point the boys were all packed accept Niall so he had left to do so, he slowly lifted the sick boy to his feet "Haz I-" louis said, "what is it Lou, are you ok?" "I think I'm goin to fa-" and within seconds Louis fell to the floor. He started shouting for Liam, but he didn't answer. with Louis still led on the floor Harry decided to get him a wet flannel to put on his floor head to call the boy down, when he placed it on his head Louis came back around and without hesitation Harry was sitting the sick boy up on the sofa. Louis had one hand on his aching tummy and another holding the flannel to his forehead.

The bus came to a holt as they pulled up at the hotel the boys were staying in. Niall, Liam and Zayn started to make there way to the front of the bus, all stopping when they saw Louis hunched over and the worry on Harry's face. "Let's get him of the bus ASAP" Liam stated as he made his way over to the boys. "Ok, Lou love, were going to lift you up and walk you into the hotel, is that ok?" Harry asked, Louis gave a faint nod of his head. Liam and Harry took an arm each as they listed the sick boy and placed done his shaking legs. Naill and Zayn were first to get of the bus followed by Paul who was helping with there bags, then Liam, Louis and Harry were last of taking it very slowly trying not to put Louis in any more pain than he was in.

When all the boys reached there rooms they all went into Louis and put him in bed, Harry got him a bottle of water and a hot water bottle he always carried with him 'just incase'. they all sat in bed with the sick boy, Harry being closest to Louis. Liam could hear Louis complaining to Harry about how his stomach was still causing him a lot of pain, so he went and got Louis some tums and put a bin next to Louis just incase he needed it.

for the rest of the day all the boys sat in louis room on his bed watching a random crime show they had found. They ended up all falling asleep and finding themselves still in Louis room in the morning. it took about 3 more days for louis to properly feel better again and go back to being the sass master he is.


Hi, this is my first story like this so please no hate :), feel free to leave feedback, tips, and requests you have for future story's.

Also I'm sorry if there are any missing words, letters etc, or if something is spelt wrong.

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