Zayn sick

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Your POV:
You had woken up at your normal time (7:20.a.m) ready to go to your temporary job with Zayn and the rest of the boys as one of there co-producers until you could find a permanent job.

You rolled over and felt Zayn, he was shaking! But he was boiling hot. In instinct you pulled the duvet of him and rapped one of your arms round his shaking frame.

"Zayn love, can you wake up for me?" You said softly trying not to startle him.

"Mmmm" Zayn stopped shaking for a few seconds and turned his head to face you.

"Z love are you ok? you were shaking even though your sweating and feel boiling hot" you asked him trying not to cause any concern.

"I'm not sure, I feel a bit weird my stomach hurts a bit and I think I have a headache" Zayn replied to you.

"Ok, well I'm going to and get you some medicine can you get yourself dressed? and we will see how you are"

Zayn nodded in response so you rolled of the bead and went to the bathroom.

When you got back to the bedroom Z was dressed and sat on the edge of your bead.

"Y/n I do feel a bit sick but I think I'm ok to go to work, I didn't sleep great last night so maybe it just payback" he giggled a little as he spoke.

"Ok, as long as your sure Z! I don't want you getting sick at work,"

"I'll be fine," Zayn responded as he stood up to kiss you on the forehead.

Zayn walked out the room to go and make breakfast and leave you to get ready in peace.

*at work*

Zayn's POV:
We had gotten to work and just walked in the room, we had just come back from a week on holiday so the boys were very excited to see us,

"ZAYN!!" Louis shouted as he ran up to me, launching himself into my arms.

The next thing I knew all the boys were surrounding me and squeezing me unnecessarily tight, which wasn't making me feel any better.

Once the guys were off me you went to the back of the studio to go and help the other producers while I stayed with the boys and played some FIFA while we waited our turn to sing.

I was sitting next to Harry when I suddenly started to feel 10x worse than I had all morning. My stomach was having a boxing match and my head felt like it was going to explode. I couldn't hide how bad I felt anymore I leaned forward and out my head in my hands.

"Hey, Z you ok mate?" I herd Harry say to me.

I shook my head. I wanted to answer him, but I felt like if I opened my mouth I was going to get sick.

Suddenly my stomach sent a sent a sharp pain through my whole body which made me remove my hands from my head and clench them around my stomach.

At this point Harry had caught on. "Lou, bin, now!" He said trying not to shout but making it stern enough to make Louis go quicker.

He placed the bin in front of me, I removed my hands from my stomach and held the bin tightly.

I started into it waiting for something to happen, then I felt it my mouth was watering and I would feel my breakfast rising to my mouth. I leaned forward and the next thing I knew my breakfast was in the bin in front if me.

I felt a hand rubbing large circles on my back followed by a "you done mate? shall I go and get y/n"

I nodded realising it was Harry I was speaking to. Shortly after I felt yet another hand on my back this one smaller and more delicate.

"Y/n?" I said

"Yes Z!" You replied

"I want to go home!" I said crying a little but my head was facing down so they couldn't see that.

"Ok love, let's get you into the car!" You said proceeding to help me up.

Your POV:
As you helped Zayn up, Liam came to your side to gets Zayn's other arm.

"Thanks Li," you said gratefully

"No worries," he replied

As you walked out the room you herd a few voices:

"Feel better Z!" Louis said

"Get better mate" Harry added

"What they said" Niall finished

Liam helped you walk Zayn to car, you opened the passengers door and propped Zayn down on the seat.

"Thanks again Liam, hopefully we'll see you soon!" You said

"Don't mention it, I hope Z gets better!" He replied

You waved and walked round to the drivers side and pulled away.

The car ride back was 10 minutes but Zayn slept the whole time with his hand on top of yours on his thigh. He's a light sleeper so you were able to wake him up so he could walk himself back into the house, once inside you and Zayn went up your shared bedroom, you placed Zayn on the bed gave him a blanket a bucket and a glass of water (just in case). You then got into bed beside him and let him rest his head on your body.

You soon both fell asleep and when you woke up in the morning Zayn was feeling a little better but not 100% still, so you took good care of him and he was feeling back to himself after a couple of days.


So... I hope this good! :)

Sorry for any spelling errors, missing words etc!

And sorry not updating very much, I've just been so busy with school and other stuff but I'm going to try my best to write more :)

Also it my birthday today <3 xx

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