Louis sick on stage

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He could feel it, he knew it was about to happen, Louis was singing his duet with Zayn in DFWYB when he started to feel really nauseous and it only got worse, the boys high note came and Louis didn't sing instead he crouched down on the floor knowing he couldn't make it to a bathroom, about 5 seconds later Louis was emptying his stomach onto the stage.

The rest of the boys sprinted to Louis.

"Lou, babe what happened?" Harry asked sympathetically.

"I-I don't know I just started to feel really nauseous," Louis explained.

"Ok, well we're gonna carry you of stage because Paul is waiting for us and the audience seem unhappy," Liam said.

With that Harry took one of Louis arms, Liam took his other and they carried him backstage.

Once backstage the boys still had 30 minutes left of there show so they left Louis with Paul and went back out.

"We're really sorry about that, Louis isn't feeling well so he won't be joining us for the rest of our show!" Harry explained to the audience.

Whilst the 4 boys finished the concert Louis was backstage lead out of one of the sofas with a blanket, a bottle of bottle, a bucket, and a very concerned management.

They wasn't concerned for Louis, they were concerned about Louis not being able to do the concert they had the following day.

"Hey babe, how you doing?" Harry asked as he walked in the other three following in behind.

"Not great, I still feel sick," Louis replied as he sat up to look at Harry.

Harry sat next to his sick boy and pulled him into his side.

"Do you want to home?" Harry whispered.

Louis nodded.

Harry got up, took Louis to his car and drove him home.

Once they were home, Harry took Louis up to bed, gave him an extra blanket, a water bottle, and took his temperature.

"39°c (A/N I'm sorry idk what that is in F) not bad" Harry said looking at Louis.

"Can I go to sleep now? I need to be able to perform tomorrow!" Louis asked.

"Of course you can, love" Harry said getting into bed.

Louis POV:
I woke up around 2:30.a.m and felt really nauseous so I went to the bathroom and sure enough I threw up twice, but I didn't want to wake up Harry because that meant he wouldn't let me perform and management would be really mad if I didn't.

I woke up again at around 7:20.a.m and saw Harry wasn't in bed, but I could smell breakfast.

I got out of bed and had to run towards the bathroom I leaned over the sink, but nothing happened. the wave of nausea passed and I went back to the bedroom.

I got dressed and went downstairs.

"How are you feeling bub?" Harry asked.

"Better, I think i can perform!" I lied.

"That's good, do you want some breakfast?" Harry's said moving towards me to give me a cuddle.

"Umm... not really I don't have much of an appetite," I said.

"Ok love, well let me eat and then I'll drive us to the stadium," Harry explained.

"Ok," I said making my way towards the sofa.

Once we were at the stadium, me and Haz went in side to great the boys.

They seemed shocked but relieved to see me.

"How you felling mate?" Zayn asked me.

"Better thanks," I lied again.

We went straight into rehearsals for the show, i was getting worse and worse. My stomach was aching, and I was getting very dizzy.

After almost 10 hours of rehearsing, we were finally ready to go on stage.

Just before we went on a wave of nausea hit me - all the boys ran on stage shouting, but I followed slowly behind.

"As you probably know I was sick yesterday, but I'm ok now and I'm here to do the show" I announced into my mic.

The crowed went wiled hearing this, they were very glad that I was there.

We were singing right now, when yet again another wave of nausea hit, but this time it felt a lot worse.

I saw I stood by the stairs so I sat on the bottom step, only then realising it was my solo.

I started to sing, but was stopped quickly. I was dizzy and I knew I was about to throw up.

Harry must have saw me and ran over.

"Lou what's wrong?" He asked.

My vision was blurry and his voice was muffled, I threw up on the floor and then passed out into Harry.

About 10 minutes later I woke up, I was in Liams arms.

"Haz...?" Was the only word I could get out.

"Sorry mate, it's Liam. We couldn't risk Harry staying back stage, Larry would blow up on Twitter," Liam laughed a little.

I closed my eyes and sat up.

"Harry... I want Harry," I said again.

"Harry will be here soon!" Liam replied.

Nobody's POV:
5 minutes later Harry came sprinting backstage   and placed himself next to Louis.

"Babe! You said you were feeling better?" Harry said.

"I-I didn't want you to worry," Louis whimpered as he fell into Harry.

"Let's get you home, yeah?" Harry said picking Louis up.

He nodded and walked with Harry back to his car.

Once they were home, Harry put Louis to bed and they both fell asleep while watching 'the notebook'.

After a couple of days Louis was actually feeling better and was actually able to perform on stage.


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Hope everyone is ok!? <3 x

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