Liam first time feeling anxiety

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Liams POV:
'Wow, it's been a busy week' I thought to myself - 6 photo shoots, 3 performances, an uncountable amount of interviews but tomorrow is what's making me nervous. We have to perform In front of the biggest crowd so far (246,00 people). Normally crowds don't scare me, but it's the fact that we are performing a new song and I have to do a high note in it - that's what is scaring me.

"Earth to Liam," Louis said waving his hand In front of my face, 'shit I must been zoned out again thinking about the performance'

"Yer, mate" I replied

"You feeling alright? you were looking at nothing and rocking back and forth a bit" Louis asked with a concerned tone, but not looking away from his game of FIFA that he was about to beat Niall at.

"I'm ok, just can't stop thinking about anything and everything that can go wrong tomorrow In front of that crowed" I said

"Listen mate, your be gonna perfectly fine - your an amazing singer with an amazing voice and nothing will go wrong, I promise!" Louis said, still focused on his game.

"Yer Liam, what he said!" Harry shouted form the kitchen were he was making dinner.

I laughed a little, and tried not to blush with there kind words! But there was a weird feeling in my stomach, I felt sick almost - I have only ever felt this way when I have a fever and am throwing up. I raise my hand against my head to check my temperature but make it looks like I'm moving my hair, 'no hot feeling' I think to myself - so why do I feel nauseous?

10 minutes had pasted of me watching Louis kick Niall and Zayn's asses at FIFA, when I herd Harry shout "DINNER" from the kitchen. The other boys shot up and rushed towards the table, but I slowly stood up as the nauseous feeling in my stomach had only gotten worse. No one was looking so I steadied myself on the wall and sat down once I was at the table.

"Liam, you haven't touched your food!" Harry said making all the boys turn to look at me.

"You look a bit pale mate, are you ok?" Zayn added 

That's when I felt it, the gurgling feeling in my stomach, 'am I going to throw up?' No wait other end...

I jump out of my seat and sprint to the nearest toilet hearing foot steps behind me but nether the less I slammed the door shut and quickly sat my self on the toilet

Louis POV:
Once Liam had left the table I ran after him, I herd him slam the door so I picked up my pace slightly,

"Liam mate, what's wrong?" I asked really concerned now!

"Nothing...stomach out in a few" was the reply I got.

I didn't want to be nosey so I left him in the toilet and went back to the lads. About 20 minutes later a sick looking Liam submerged from the darkness of the hallway.

"You look like shit," Niall states, making us laugh a little

"Feel like it," Liam replied

He sat himself on the seat he was previously sat on and pressed his head against the table.

"So what is actually wrong with you, do you have a fever?" I ask

"No, my temperature is normal - I just feel nauseous and you know the other end isn't doing great"

"Oh no mate, are you going to be ok for
tomm-" Niall started to say but he was cut of by Harry.

"It's tomorrow isn't it, it's getting you all worked up and you have given yourself anxiety about it all!" Harry knew about this because he also suffered with anxiety in the early ages of the band

"Y-yer it might b-be that" Liam rasps

"Well you need sleep and anxiety relievers!" Harry said before proceeding to get the medicine.

Harry's POV:
I know all about anxiety, having suffered quite badly form it myself and I knew that all Liam needed was a reassuring conversation as well as sleep and anxiety relievers!

"Right, take these and then I'm taking you to get some rest!" I said sternly to Liam

I walked Liam to his bed were he carefully climbed on being carful of his stomach and lied on his back.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to get you a bucket just incase" I said while walking away

By the time I got back Liam was snoring softly 'must have been tired, poor lad' so I set the bucket down beside him and quietly walked away.

Nobody's POV:
By morning Liam was more excited than nervous and absolutely smashed it on stage!!


Is this ok? Idk - please leave me any feedback :)
Sorry for any missing letters, words, etc.
Please leave requests as well :)
Anyway tpwk if you can't do it the tommo way ;)

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