Larry parents - son and harry are sick

592 9 3

Papa - harry
Dad - Louis
Connie (daughter) - 6
Sydney/Sid (son) - 15

Louis POV:
"Your ok babe," "I'm right here," I cooed as Harry throw up into the toilet.

I let got of his shoulders as he rested his body weight on mine.

"You done?" I asked trying to be quite as it was 2.a.m.

He nodded.

As I stood up I helped Harry up as his body had gone weak. I put his arm round my shoulder and I placed my hand round his hips as I walked him back to our room.

Once in bed he got himself under the covers as I got him a glass of water from the sink.

I got in bed next to my sick husband and let him rest his head on chest.

I stocked his hair, and kissed his head.

Once I knew he was asleep. I rested my head on his and dozed off.

I was woken up to a very enthusiastic connie who was dressed and ready for school.

"Come on dad, papa is cooking breakfast,"

'Hold on, why is Haz cooking?' I asked myself.

I stumbled out of bed, putting on a pair of random shorts over my boxers, a T-shirt and started walking to the kitchen.

On my way I passed Sydney's room, his door was slightly opened with the lights off. I knocked the door and waited for a response. Nothing. I needed to go and check Harry was ok, so I left Sid's room and decided he could sleep a little longer.

"You ok love?" I asked seeing Harry's back as he made the toast.

"Yer, I feel better than last night so I thought I would come and make breakfast," he responded.

"Oh ok, you still can't got to work though!" I made sure he still new because Harry being Harry thinks he can't take days off.

"Yes I know," he reassured me with a playful smile.

"I'm going to go and wake up Sydney," I said walking out of the room.

As I walked down the hall I noticed his light was still off, this wasn't like him as usually he is up and ready before all of us.

I slowly opened his door.

"Sid," I said sitting on his bed to wake him up.

He started waking up, but that's when I noticed all the colour drain from his face.

He sat up quickly and ran to the bathroom.

I didn't follow him because I don't want to make him feel embarrassed after all he is 15.

After about 5 minutes, a rough looking Sid emerged at the door.

"We're you sick?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He nodded and sat on his bed next to me.

"Papa was sick last night so you can stay with him today," I said.

"Ok," he replied with a sense of relief on his face, Sid's never liked being alone when he's sick so i guess having his papa there made him feel better.

I stood up of his bed so he could lay down.

"Sid?" Connie said in the doorway confused as to why her brother was still in bed.

"Your brother is sick Connie, he's going to be staying home with papa," I said making sure she understood.

"Oh ok," she said going over to Sid and giving him a hug which warmed my heart because they don't always get on.

"Right come on, we better leave Sid to get better," I said picking up Connie and leaving his room, closing the door on my way out.

"Haz," I said getting my husbands attention.

"Yer, where's Sid?" He asked concerned.

"He's sick as well, so I said you two can look after each other today - because I need to take connie to school and then go to work," I said.

"Ok babe," he said walking over to say goodbye to me and connie.

"If you need me today don't hesitate to get ahold of me," I said into Harry's ear as he hugged me goodbye.

He nodded, giving connie a hug and saying his goodbyes.

We got in the car, I drove connie to school and took myself to the studio.

"Morning lad, where's Harry?" Niall asked, all
The boys now listening.

"He threw up last night and now Sid's sick as well so there looking after each other at home," I reassured him.

"Oh ok, tell them both we say get well soon," Liam said interrupting our conversation.

"Will do,"

Harry's POV:
I had been sat on my sofa for about an hour watching tv when I herd the bathroom door slam.

I assumed it was Sid and listened out for
When the door opened again.

After five minutes I herd the door click open. Before I could say anything Sid had already spoken.

"Papa," he asked.

"Yes love," I responded.

"Can I come sit with you?" He asked.

"Yes of course, you don't need to ask."

He came and sat on the chair near mine.

We sat and watched tv for about 2 hours before Sid got up and ran to the bathroom again.

10 minutes pasted and he was still in there. I started to get worried and went to check on him.

"Sid, you ok?" I asked knocking on the door.


I knocked again.


I tired the door handle, it was unlocked so I let myself in.

What I saw shocked me. Sid was led face up on the floor as pale as a sheet.

"Sid wake up," I said gently slapping his face.

His eyes started opening.

"Sid, you passed out I'm going to walk you back to the living room," he was delusional to what was happening.

I led him down on the sofa, and poured him a glass of water.

"Sit up and drink this," I said passing him the glass.

Without hesitation he took small sips of the drink. His face had regained colour and his eyes weren't so lost.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, one minute I was sat down, next you were waking me up.

"Ok, well drink up and go to sleep - your probably just dehydrated and tired.

He put the half empty glass down and cuddled up into the sofa I placed a blanket on him and went over to the chair he was previously sat in.

After about an hour I herd keys rustling in the door, it was Louis and connie.

"Papa!" Connie ran in saying, but seeing her brother asleep made her stop dead in her tracks, after a few seconds she stated to tip tow towards me and gave me a big hug.

"How is he?" Lou asked me.

"He's thrown up about 3 times, and fainted in the bathroom but I helped him and now he's getting rest," I said seeing louis face change.

"And you?" He said kissing me.

"I'm feeling better," I replied smiling.

"That's good then, just one to look after," he said looking over at Sid.


I looked through my views and 'Larry parents' has always been a favourite so he's another.

Hope you all enjoy please vote and leave any feed back, requests, etc.

Have a good day/rest of your day <3

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