Larry parents - harry sick (flu)

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Harry - papa
Louis - dad/daddy
James - 7
Luke - 15

Louis POV:
I was woken up to my son (James) shaking me frantically till I finally awoke.

"Woah mate, where's the fire?" I asked laughing.

"There's no fire daddy, just school," he replied.

I quickly got out of bed and hurried James into the kitchen putting toast in the toaster for him and pouring him a glass of orange juice.

"I'm going to go and wake papa and Luke up, you know what to do right?" I asked half walking out of the doorway.

"Yes dad, just add butter," he said with a smile.

"That's my boy," and with that I made my way to Luke's room to wake him up.

I knew this would be hard it always is, but what can I say he is a teenager.

"Luke wake up!" I said opening his curtains.

He mumbled, "I will, get out!"

"Don't speak to me like that and breakfast will be ready for you for when you come down!"

"Sorry dad, and ok"

I walked out of Luke's room and made my way to mine and Harry's

When I walked in to my surprise Harry was still asleep he is usually awake way before me, i assumed he was just I'm tired and made my way back to the kitchen.

When I got there James was just finishing his breakfast and Luke had just started.

"You both have 30 minutes till I will drive you to school so do whatever till then, because I'm going to go and have a shower," I said leaving the room.

Once I was done I was greeted by to boys ready for school.

"Right let's get in the car then," I said walking out the front door, Luke and James followed shortly behind.

When I got home I made my way to Harry to wake him for work, we had to be at the studio for 9 and it was 8:30.

"Harry, babe, wake up!" I said shaking him a little.

He groaned.

"We have work in 30 minutes, the kids are at school, but you need to get ready," I stated.

"Ok," he said stretching.

I had work I needed to do for Paul so I left Harry to get ready.

Harry's POV:
When Louis left the room I turned over in bed, i felt achy. I assumed I had just over worked in the gym and made my way to the bathroom.

Once there I turned on the shower and let it heat up before I stepped in, the warm water was nice in my aching muscles.

When I was done I made my way down stairs to Louis, he greeted me with a plate of toast.

"Morning babe, I've finished the work for Paul so when your ready we can make our way to the studio," Louis said to me.

I nodded and sat down.

"You ok, love," Louis said walking over to me and placing a hand on my back.

"Yer just tired," I didn't tell Louis that actually I felt like shit, because I didn't want him to worry and Paul needs us at work so we can finish the writing were working on.

I actually felt a lot worse than I did when I woke up, my body was still aching, my head was pounding, my nose was beginning to become stuffy and my stomach was starting to hurt.

In the car I had my head against the window because the coldness of it was stopping the pounding in my head, and luckily it was Louis turn to drive.

At the studio we were all sat in a tiny room, with some producers we had never met, trying to write a song.

I couldn't concentrate, my stomach was staring to hurt - a lot more than this morning, and I was sweating but the room was freezing.

Louis POV:
I was sat opposite Harry because management didn't want us sat next to each other, but I could see Harry was in discomfort and it looked like he was sweating, but this room was freezing - all the Windows were open.

I decided to text him just to make sure he was ok;

Louis: hey babe, what's wrong you look pale and your sweating.

Harry: I feel sick Lou, I'm really nauseous and I think I might have to leave.

Louis: HARRY! Why didn't you tell me sooner, I couldn't have called you in sick!

Harry: I'm sorry, but not the time. I'm going to leave in a minute.

Harry's POV:
As soon as I sent that text Louis put down his phone and walked up to Paul who was on his row of seats but at the other end of the table.

He looked at me and made a hand signal telling me to go to him I stood up and made my way to Louis.

"I'm going to take you outside," he whispered.

I nodded.

"Sorry, but I'm going to take Harry outside he's not feeling great- thank you for coming," Louis announced to the rest of the boys and the producers before taking me outside.

While we were walking I started to feel really nauseous, I stopped my walking and placed a hand against the wall that helped me to stay up.

"Are you going to be sick?" Louis asked me.

I nodded and he walked me in the direction of the bathroom.

Once we arrived I walked into a stool and crouched down near the toilet, Louis had seen me sick before so I didn't mind him being with me.

Within 2 minutes of us being in the toilets I was throwing up my toast and dinner from the night before.

When I was done, I fell back into Louis who was sat behind me.

"Do you want to go home love?" He asked.

I nodded and proceeded to stand up with him.

He put an arm round my shoulder and walked me to his car.

Once at home he put me into bed, gave me a bucket, water, a blanket, and cuddles. We both fell asleep early and slept almost the whole day after, I'm glad Louis got a rest as well - he needed it.


Hi guys I'm so sorry for not updating in almost a month, I have been really busy and my mental health got a lot worse than it should have.

But I'm back now and I will be trying to update 1-2 times a week maybe :)

I hope you guys understand, also I'm not going to be continuing the 'sick on stage' series because with have ran out of ideas so if you have an idea for either Zayn or Niall lmk and I will write if <3

Stay safe xx

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