Harry is sick on holiday (Larry)

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Harry's POV:

it was august 2013 and the boys and I were on our first holiday in 2 years we were staying in a house Simone privately owned on a deserted island so we wouldn't get harassed by paparazzi everywhere we went.

we were staying there for two weeks and we were currently into the 3rd day out of 14.

the boys and I were eating dinner when I stared to feel really nauseas, I hadn't felt well all day but I assumed I was just tired as we had spent all the previous day in the water, I couldn't continue eating. Luckily, I only had a little left so no suspected anything.

once everyone had finished eating I made an excuse to go to the bathroom. I wasn't feeling nauseas anymore, but I still waned to make sure the feeling didn't come back.

I stood with my hands on the sink for about 5 minuets when I decided I was fine, I slowly walked back to the living room and sat down next to louis.

he put his arm round me and pulled me closer to him, "you ok, babe?" he asked.

I nodded, I would usually tell him when I don't feel well but I didn't want him to spend his holiday worrying about me.

"you just look quite pale," he added.

"just tired," I mumbled,

he squeezed me tighter which I liked it made me feel safe, as I rested my head on his comforting arm closing my eyes as louis scrolled through Instagram on his phone.

one hour passed it was now 10.P.M. and we had all decided to go to bed as we had planed an early morning swim in the sunrise for the next day.

I stood up, suddenly being hit by a stronger wave of nausea I walked at a quick but not a concerningly quick pace towards the bathroom.

fortunately, because the house is so big no one could hear me throwing up in the bathroom at the end of the hall. I felt awful, I was uncontrollably shaking and sweating. I needed to compose myself before I could walk out of the bathroom.

I Splashed my face with cold water and took myself to mine and Louis room. I walked in and Louis was already half asleep waiting for me in bed.

I got undressed and cuddled up to him, I spooned him as we both fell asleep, I was happy Louis was already in bed and he couldn't see how awful I looked.

It was around 2.A.M. And I couldn't get comfortable when I was hit with a sharp twisting pain in my stomach, this made my body jolt and a small cry escaped my lips.

Louis being the light sleeper he is, turned over and hugged me I now knew he was awake. I tired to fall back asleep when an even sharper pain hit me. I sat up quickly, bringing my knees to my chin hugging my stomach as tight as possible.

That's when I felt a hand on my back, it was Louis he was now awake and aware of the situation.

"Do you need a bucket babe?" He asked softly.

I nodded.

Louis sleepily got out of bed and passed the bucket we just had handy in our room.

I removed my legs from my body and placed the bucket in the Lap, resting my head on the rim.

Louis rubbed my back as we waited for the inevitable.

Not long passed and I was throwing up the remainder of anything I had eaten the previous day. Louis continued to rub my back and kissed  the top of my head.

He removed the bucket from my lap and left to clean it up.

Once he returned he placed the bucket down my side of the bed and led next to me patting his chest as if to invite me to cuddle him.

He didn't have to tell me twice and before I knew it we were cuddling on his side of the bed.

"How long have you felt unwell, babe?" Louis asked stocking my hair.

"Since yesterday morning, and I threw up before we came to bed last night," I admitted quietly, kind of hopping he didn't hear me.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me?" He asked shocked.

"I didn't want to ruin your holiday," I replied, again hoping he wouldn't hear.

Louis didn't answer he just kissed my forehead and told me to get some rest.

I was now exhausted and almost immediately fell asleep in the arms of my boyfriend.

When we woke up the next morning I felt pretty much the same, I managed to eat breakfast and felt better by the afternoon.


Heyyyyyy, I got another new phone 😂 because the one that wouldn't open Wattpad wasn't working in other areas either so I now have another new phone that isn't numb on one side and actually opens my apps 🥳 so hopefully more updates coming soon.

I hope everyone enjoys this, it was just a random idea that came to me as I wrote it. If you enjoyed it please leave me feedback and vote for me :)

Stay safe <3

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