Larry parents - Louis and son is sick

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It was 4am and Harry was awoken to the sound of crying from the other room.

He stumbled out of bed found some boxers and tried to put them on as he walked.

The closer he got the louder the crying. It was coming from his son Alfie's (14) room.

"You ok in there bud?" Harry knocked on the door.

"N-not really," Alfie replied

Harry opened the door to see Alfie was out of bed and in his bathroom with the door creaked open.

As he approached the Alfies bathroom he saw His son lent up against his bath with his knees tucked into his chest.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Harry asked.

"I was sick and my stomach hurts," Alfie replied through his tears.

"Aww bud I'm sorry, do you need me to help you to bed?" Harry said as he walked towards him.

Alfie nodded, so Harry bent down and put Alfie's left arm round his shoulder.

Once Alfie was in bed Harry had gotten him medicine a bucket and a blanket as he complained he was cold.

"Try to sleep now, I'll come and check on you in the morning and I'll call you in sick to school" Harry's said softly

"Thanks dad" Alfie rasped as he closed his eyes.

Harry kissed his sick sons forehead and went back to his room.

When Harry woke a while later, he looked at his clock - it was 8am.

He rolled over expecting Louis not to be there, usually Louis made breakfast for the pair on a work morning, but Harry guessed he must have been tired as he was still in bed.

He quietly got out of bed trying not to wake his sleeping husband and crept into Alfie's room he was fast asleep and the bucket was empty.

Harry softly shut Alfies door and made his way back to his room where he started to get dressed, he wanted to leave Louis as long as possible as he must have been tired.

Whilst Harry was putting his t-shirt on he herd a small groan come from his bed.

"Morning sleepy head," Harry said jokingly.

Louis sat up, but soon doubled over and whined a little.

"You ok, love?" Harry asked running over to Louis.

"No, my stomach hurts," Louis explained

"Alfie had a stomachache this morning, must have been about 4 and he said he was sick as well," Harry said

"Oh, maybe we are both coming down with something," Louis replied

Before Harry could say another word Louis was sat on the end of the bed with the fist over his mouth.

"Do you feel sick love?"

Louis nodded and ran towards the bathroom, Harry followed shortly after.

When Harry reached Louis, he was crouched in front of the toilet bringing up his dinner from the night before.

Harry knelt down beside him and rubbed comforting circles round his back.

"Morning dads," a voice crocked from behind them, it was Alfie he looked pale and his hair was stuck to his forehead where he was sweating.

"Morning buddy how are you feeling?" Harry asked while helping Louis sit on the floor.

"Worse now I've seen dad sick," he said laughing a little.

"Sorry," Louis mumbled not able to lift his head.

"No, it's ok don't worry about it!" Alfie said.

"Now seriously Alfie, how are you feeling?" Harry said more sternly this time.

"Well my stomach still hurts a lot, but I haven't been sick again since last night," Alfie said while carefully placing himself on the floor next to his dads.

"That's good I guess, do you think you can walk to the front room and pick a movie? me and Lou will be in, in a minute"  Harry asked.

Alfie nodded and stood up, maybe a little to quickly because he had to steady himself using the wall.

Once Alfie had left, Harry helped Louis of the floor and walked him into the front room to be greeted by Alfie.

Alfie lead out on the three seater, whilst Harry and Louis cuddled up on the corner sofa.

Harry had also gotten medicine, a cold flannel, a blanket, a bottle of water, and a bucket for each of the boys. He had also checked them both for fevers which both were positive.

Alfie had picked 'spider - man: far from home' to watch, as he was a massive marvel fan and an even bigger spider - man fan.

Both the sick boys had fallen asleep leaving Harry to watch the movie, until Alfie woke up coughing and reaching for his bucket we're he brought up whatever was left over in his stomach.

"You done now mate?" Harry said as he lifted up Louis head so he could stand.

"Yer," Alfie crocked.

"I'll be back in a minute I'm just gonna go and clean this for you," Harry said while picking up his bucket.

Alfie nodded.

Once Harry got back about 5 minutes later Alfie had already fallen back asleep so Harry placed the bucket back we're it was and went back to his seat.

He lifted Louis head back up and placed his back in his lap, this must have woken Louis up because Harry herd a mumbled sentence.

"Is everything ok?" Louis asked.

"Yer, it's just Alfie was sick so I went to clean out his bucket. You can go back to sleep honey!" Harry explained

"Ok" Louis answered closing his eyes and digging his head into Harry's bowel area.

Once both boys were sleep they both slept for the rest of the day, neither of them were sick again until the night.

After 2 days both boys were feeling better and Alfie was back to school and Louis and Harry were back in the studio.


I hope this is ok :) it's my first time trying the parents thing!

Please vote and leave requests! <3

Hope everyone is ok?!, tpwk

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