Louis faints (Larry)

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Harry's POV:
Lou and I are led in bed and I feel him roll over and put his heated body against mine - he's hot! Why is he so hot? It's only 9°c in our bedroom, he is half asleep so I wake him up because I'm worried he might have a high temperature,
"what Haz? I was asleep," he said in a jokey tone.
"Are you ok love, your really warm?" I asked sounding a bit more worried I think I should have been - after all I didn't want to scare him.
"I do have a bit of a headache, but I'm sure it'll go after some medicine."

Louis POV:
It's a bit more of a headache that was bothering me, my stomach is also not at ease. But I don't want to worry Harry - not today! We have a really busy day at the studio ahead of us and I don't want him worrying about me. Ok Once Haz had gotten out of bed and gone downstairs to make breakfast I go to the bathroom and take whatever medicine I find in the cupboard hoping it will kick in soon!

Nobody's POV:
Once Louis and Harry were finished eating and getting ready they left there house and drove to the studio. Once they reached the studio Louis was feeling no better so he threw himself on the sofa In front of him.
"You alright mate?" Niall asked
"Just a headache It'll go," Louis responded as he closed his eyes. The minute Harry sat down he was pulled into the studio to record his part, he took one look and Louis and new it was more than a "headache" that was bothering him - he looked pale and his top was wet from we're he was sweating. Harry kew he couldn't speak to Louis now, but he planed to do so once he was done recording.

Louis POV:
I was on the sofa with my eyes closed but I was far from asleep my headache had done nothing except get worse and the pain in my stomach was getting less unnoticeable, when Harry walked past me I could feel him staring, if I look how I feel then I know that he's sussed out it's not just a 'headache'. Once Harry was done recording I was called into the studio, I stood up and could feel myself rocking back and forth,
"Steady mate, you alright?" I heard Liam say as he steadied my frame,
"I'm ok just a little dizzy," I don't think I convinced anyone because they all shot concerned looks at me, but that was the least of my worries.

I started singing and we managed to record the whole of  clouds, but the last thing i remember Is my vision going from blurry to black the intro to illusion and my head hitting the carpet below me.

Harry's POV:
I was relaxing on the sofa with Niall 'entertaining' me about the new book he had bought, when I herd a thud and then one of the production team shout "SHIT", Paul came running towards me and said "it's Louis, he's fainted" I sprung up to my feet and sprinted down the hall to the studio, I walked in to see my poor husband led across the floor, in my panic I didn't know what to do, I tried slapping him round the face to wake him up but nothing was working. Then Paul came charging in with a cup of water and told me to splash it on Louis face I did as I was told.

"Haz?" Louis asked weekly
"Shhh... it's ok... your ok" I soothed trying to calm him down as he was now crying pretty hard, probably embarrassed - poor boy.
"What happened Lou?" I asked as I pulled him into my chest"
"I-I don't k-know one minute I-I was singing, th-then I was o-on the f-floor," Louis spoke through his tears.
"Can you leave please boys?" I spoke to the production team around us. They all proceeded to leave the room as I continued to rock Louis in my arms. He was still crying!
"What's wrong babe" I asked concerned,
"M-my head and s-stomach hurt,"
"Ok baby, I'm going to pick you up and take you to the car and we can go home, is that ok?"
Louis gave me a small nod.

Nobody's POV:
Harry picked Louis up and walked him to the car, he placed Louis in the passengers seat and made sure he was secure before going back to the studio to tell the boys they were leaving. Once Harry came back he drove them both back home, once in bed Louis cuddled up to Harry and both boys fell asleep in each others arms.


Sorry this is crap, I'm not very good at writing, But I hope you like it :)
Please leave requests and all that stuff, also sorry for any typos, missed words etc,
Anyways tpwk <3 if you can't do it the tommo way ;)

(Also sorry it's quite long I am trying to make them shorter hahah)

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