Liam sick on stage

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"Wake up Liam, we're gonna be late," Louis shouted at Liam to wake him up.

All the boys (Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry) had all been out drinking for Niall's 21st birthday the night before.

"Mmmh," "go away!" Liam moaned as he got up. Louis giggled and a walked out of the room leaving Liam to get ready.

Liam POV:
Once Louis had left I stood up but I was stopped when I was hit by a dizzy spell, 'why am I dizzy,' I thought to myself. It passed and I carried on walking towards the bathroom.

I turned on the shower when I felt a pounding headache I hadn't realised I had. 'Shit do I have a hangover,' I thought to myself again.

Once I was finished in the shower I threw on a grey hoodie and a pair of skinny, ripped black jeans.

I went to leave my room when I was hit with a wave of nausea, I put one hand on my wall and the other on my stomach. I knew I was about to throw up so I ran to my bathroom and knelt down by the toilet.

I gagged and threw up, only once then I was back on my feet.

I went down to the rest of the boys to eat breakfast, I was wearing sunglasses because of the headache I had from what I thought was a hangover.

"You ok Liam, you look awfully pale and sunglasses are often worn outside," Harry asked.

"Hangover," I mumbled as I sat down at the table and placed my head in my hands.

"Get these down you, and eat this," Zayn said passing me two paracetamols and a piece of dry toast.

I took my tablets and ate my breakfast before we left to get on the tour bus for our 3 hour drive to the stadium we were performing at.

I slept for the whole drive to try and get rid of my headache as I didn't feel nauseous anymore.

Once at the stadium I still had a slight headache but it wasn't anything that was going to stop me from performing.

We did our rehearsals, I was fine the whole time until we were getting our hair done by Lou.

I was sat in her chair and suddenly I stared to feel really nauseous again, Lou turned around to get a hair brush, so I placed my head in my hands and started taking deep breaths.

"What's up, love?" Lou asked me, placing a hand on my back.

"Nauseous," I replied lifting my head up.

"You wanna go to the bathroom?" She asked.

I shock my head, "no, just carry on,"

"Ok, if you start to feel worse make sure you tell me!" She said sternly.

I nodded and closed my eyes as she continued to do my hair.

I was last to get my hair done, so once I was done I met up with other boys.

We had 2 minutes till we went on stage so we did a quick sound check and on we went.

We were about to start singing WMYB when I started to feel even more nauseous then I already was - not that I thought that was possible.

I started to hear the begging music to the song, I couldn't sing I felt like I was going to throw up If I did. I signalled to Zayn and asked him to sing for me, without question he began my line.

In confusion the other 3 turned to look at me. I sat down on the step near me and watched as Niall approached me.

"What's wrong mate?" Niall asked

The music was loud but I could just about hear him.

"Nauseous," was all I could say.

Niall placed a hand on my back.

Just as he did that my stomach started emptying itself all over the stage, I saw that Niall singled towards the boys that he was going to deal with it.

"Your ok mate, Let me take you backstage," he proposed as he adjusted his grip to my shoulder.

He helped me as I walked off stage.

Once back stage I was hit with yet again another wave of nausea i ran towards the nearest bathroom, I could hear Niall running closely behind me.

I ran straight through the door and knelt down once again by the toilet, I ripped of my mic and started emptying my stomach again.

After about 1 minute Niall came running in.

"Aww mate, Your like proper sick," he said kneeling down beside me with a hand on my back.

"Yer I guess," I replied.

About 30 minutes later, me and Niall had gone to our bands dressing room and sat on the sofa., the other three boys came charging there way into the room once the concert was over.

"You feeling any better mate?" Louis said sitting beside me.

"Yeah kind of, I don't feel sick anymore but my head is still pounding," I said sitting up slightly.

"How about we get back on the tour bus so you can have a rest and then we can get to the hotel quicker," Harry stated.

I nodded in response, liking the idea of rest.

We all got in the tour bus and I went straight to sleep in my bunk, once we got back to the hotel I had a sleepover in Niall's room so he could keep an eye on me.

The next morning I was feeling a little better but still not able to stand up on my own - well not for a long time anyway so management gave all of us a day off which we were all happy about.

We spent the day watching movies and laying on the sofa.

It took about 3 days for me to feel 100% again, but I'm not complaining I did enjoy the time off, even if I was sick the whole time.


Sooooo, I quite like this story :) what do you guys think? Please vote and leave requests - there always open!!

Also THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 1.28k reads that's INSANE I didn't even think I would get 30 reads, so once again THANK YOU!!! <3

Stay stafe!! Xx

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