Your carsick and niall takes care of you (request)

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This is a request for: Ghost_Of_C-Dizzle

You Niall and the rest of the boys were all going on a 2 hour 'road trip' to the new recording studio the boys were testing out.

You were nervous because you and Niall had only been dating for 9 months and you had never told him about your carsickness, you had also never been on a drive any longer 30 minutes.

"Love, you coming?" Niall shouted from the bottom of the stairs knocking you out of your thought process.

"Yes babe, I'll be down in 2 seconds," you quickly grabbed your bag that you had previously packet, your jacket, your phone and made your way down to Niall who was now waiting at the front door.

You and Niall had to drive to Louis and Harry's place, we're you where also meeting Zayn and Liam. The boys always left there bus at the stylinson's house because it was the most 'safest' house out of all the boys.

Once you pulled up everyone was waiting for you for Niall. You both climbed your way into the bus sitting in the front area. Louis and Harry were sat on the sofa closets to the window, Zayn and Liam skipped breakfast so we're both making food in the kitchen and you and Niall were sat opposite the love birds watching some sort of crime show Louis found.

About 30 minutes into the drive you started to feel a little uneasy as the bus started going down some windy roads but it was nothing you  were willing to worry about.

"Y/n do you want to play monopoly with me and Haz?" Louis asked you, seeming as Niall had fallen asleep on your shoulder.

"Yes ok," you replied moving Niall gently and making your way to the kitchen we're the rest of the boys were.

After 20 minutes of playing monopoly you were hit with a harder wave of nausea.

"Excuse me, I'm just going to use the toilet,"you said standing up and without waiting for a response you quickly walked to the back of the bus.

Once in the toilet you sat down on the floor and tried to ease your aching stomach by rubbing up and down, but nothing was working.

You felt your mouth watering, you leaned over the toilet just in time you started to throw up the light breakfast you ate of just toast and butter knowing it would make a reappearance.

When you were finished, you picked yourself up of the floor and made your way to the kitchen.

"You ok y/n? You look very pale," Zayn asked as you walked back into the room.

"Yes, just tired I guess," I replied as I sat down, he gave me a confused look shook his head and focused back on the game.

You didn't want to tell anyone, because you don't like causing a fuss, or having people fuss over you. So you just carried on with monopoly until you were hit with another wave of nausea again.

It had been about 10 minutes since you were last sick and for about 5 minutes you had been breathing heavily and swallowing hard but you couldn't take it anymore, you had no time to tell anyone where you were going. You shot up from the table and ran to the back of the bus, again just making it to the toilet before you were throwing up the little you had left in your stomach.

Harry herd you, he knocked on the door after only about a minute to check on you.

"Y/n," he said knocking on the toilet door that was shut but not locked.

"Yes," you relied.

"Do you want me to get Niall?" He asked softly.

"Yes please," you managed to say.

After 30 seconds you herd the door open to the toilet, it was Niall. He didn't say anything, he just sat down beside you, put his arm round your solider and pulled you into his side. He lifted his hand and traced his hand through your hair.

After 2 minutes of silence Niall spoke up, "what's wrong love? Why didn't you tell me you felt bad?"

"I- I get carsick, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to you worrying or fussing over me," you replied.

"I understand, but next time please tell me and we can prevent this!"

You nodded.

Niall then stood up turned around and lifted you off the floor bridal style, still carrying you he walked to the front of the Bus and placed you on the sofa were you and him were previously sat.

"Harry, can you get y/n some of those travel sickness tablets you always carry," Niall asked.

"Of course I'll get water and a bucket while I'm at it," Harry said kindly processing to walk to his bed.

When harry got back he gave you two sickness tablets a bottle of water and set a bucket beside you. When you had swallowed the tablets you laid your head down and Niall's lap and feel into a deep sleep for the last 20 minutes of the journey.


I hope this ok :)

Please leave requests, vote and comment any suggestions, stay safe <3 x

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