Louis breaksdown

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It had been a shit day, Louis was forced to spend the day with Eleanor, and had to take her shopping with his money.

But the highlight of his day was the concert they had.

Louis had a banging headache, so the music was getting to his head and all the jumping around was making him dizzy but he was still happy to be back on stage after they hadn't been on stage for just over 2 weeks.

-after the show-

Louis POV:
"Louis, you were off key! You need to work with the rest of the boys," our vocalist was going on at me and how I was singing wrong.

I was not in the mood for it, my head hurt like a bitch and I just wanted to sleep but we still had to be here for another 2 hours but at least we were back at our hotel for the night.

"You ok babe?" everyone had left the room and Harry came over and sat next to me.

"Yes, why I wouldn't I be?" I snapped because I was on the verge of breaking down in tears because everyone was criticising me, but once I said it I felt bad because I didn't mean to take it out on Harry.

"I was just asking because you look shattered," "hopefully we can sleep soon!" He said rubbing my back before leaving

-after everyone left-

No ones POV:
Harry and Louis were now in there hotel room together and everyone else had left to go to there rooms.

"Babe can I have a cuddle?" Louis asked.

"Of course," Harry said climbing on the bed making his way to Louis.

Louis POV:
As Harry made his way over to me I started feeling water forming in my eyes I quickly dug my head into his shoulder and let out a loud cry.

"Babe, babe what's wrong?!" Harry said in panic holding me closer then ever.

"I-I I'm j-just so t-tired," I struggled to say as I was trying to catch my breath.

"First you need to calm down then we can snuggle and you can fall asleep!" He said pulling me away.

He looked me in the eyes, I felt small and week. Harry reached out his hand and wiped my tears of my face with his thumb. My face was red and my breath was staggered.

"I love you," Harry said kissing my forehead.

"I love you," I replied.

No one POV:
Once Louis calmed down him and Harry both got under the covers and snuggled down till Louis was asleep.

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