Niall and your son both sick

397 8 0

Ben - 16

Your POV:

You were woken to a light suddenly now in your eyes from the creek in your door, you thought it would just be Ben getting ready for school and decided to go back to sleep.

10 minutes later the bathroom light was still on, usually Ben only takes 2 minutes.

You got out of bed to see what was taking so long.

You knocked on the door and heard a grunt as an answer.

"You ok lovely?" You asked your son.

"Mhm just woke up with a headache," he responded as he opened the door, he looked white as a ghost and was sweating.

"I'm calling you in sick, your not going to school looking like that," I could see the relief on his face that he wouldn't have to go in.

He just nodded and walked away.

You walked back to your room to see Niall was still asleep, this wasn't unusual you normally find yourself waking him up.

"Niall sweetheart, wake up!" You said gently stroking his hair.

He opened his eyes,

"You ok honey? You look very pale!" You asked him thinking maybe your son didn't 'just have a headache.

"Mhm yeah I think so," he said rolling out of bed.

"Why ask?" He suddenly asked.

"Just wondering because Ben said he had a headache but it looks like a little more than that," I explained.

"Oh ok," Niall responded making his way to the bathroom to shower.

As I was getting dressed, I herd a knocking on the bathroom door.

"Dad, can you hurry up? I don't feel good," you herd your son say.

"Yeah I'm almost done," your husband responded.

Once dressed you walked out and go into your sons room, you find him sat on the edge of his bed with his head between his hands. You walk over and place a hand on his back.

"You feeling sick?"  you ask.

He nods. You walk to the bathroom and get him a glass of water before leaving him to rest.

Niall's POV:

I lied about feeling fine, I have a really bad headache, but it's a big day today it's the final day of recording 'made in the A.M' so I have to go to work.

I get dressed say my good byes and get well soon and off I go to work.

When I pull up I have to wait before I get out as my head was spinning, I finally composed myself and walked into the studio.

"Nialler!!!" Louis shouted from the sofa.

I just looked up and half smiled.

Before I was even able to sit down Liam was already asking me to settle a debate him and Louis were having.

"Right Niall I've told Louis that FIFA 2014 is so much better than FIFA 2015 and he's not having it, what's your opinion?" Liam asked not even looking at me his eyes were fixed on the game in front of him.

"To be honest lads I couldn't care less right now," I replied trying to forget about the constant pounding in my head.

"You ok Niall?" Louis asked finally realising something was up.

"No my head really hurts and I don't feel to good," I admitted.

"Niall why didn't you stay home if you feel so bad?" Liam butted in.

"Because I need to record my parts of the songs," I replied.

Liam just nodded and looked away, Louis placed a hand on my shoulder one hand back on his controller and carried on playing. I quite liked Louis hand on my shoulder it gave me comfort.

After 5 minutes of my head rested on my knees Harry walked in.

"Alright Niall your up," he said ruffling my hair  as he usually does.

I stood up, way to quickly, the whole room started to spin and my vision went black. The last thing I remember is Harry saying "Niall, Niall,"

I came back around very quickly I was only out for about 5 second but god did I feel even worse when I sat up.

"I'm going to be sick," I said a sudden urge of panic in my voice.

Liam ran and got the bin from the other end of the room, he placed it in my lap as I threw up everything I had eaten the previous day.

"You done now?" Liam asked after about 2 minutes.

I nodded unable to speak.

"Text y/n and ask her to come and pick you up you can't stay at work like this," Louis insisted passing me my phone.

Again I nodded.

*start conversation*
Niall: "please can you come and pick me up I've been sick and I still feel really unwell,"

Y/n: "of course honey I'll leave now, why didn't you tell me this morning?"

Niall: "because I needed to record my part of the song,"
*end conversation*

After only 5 minutes you turned up at the studio.

You picked me up and helped me to the car.

"Bens been sick as well about 3 times, maybe you both caught something," you said to break the silence.

"yeah maybe," was all I managed to answer.

Your POV:

You helped Niall into bed, before checking in on your also sick son.

"Hey honey, how you feeling?" You asked.

"A bit better I don't feel sick anymore just a lingering headache," he replied.

"That's good, you get some sleep now!" You said turning of his bedroom light and shutting the door.

Walking back into yours and Niall's room you saw your sick husband already asleep on the bed.

You got into bed and cuddled into him making him the little spoon as he always appreciated this when sick.

You both fell asleep, in the morning ben was feeling much better but obviously couldn't go to back to school and your husband was feeling some what better but wanted cuddles all day in bed.


Heyyyyy, I've had the first part in my drafts for about a month but couldn't finish it till now, Basically my phone is numb on the very left side so it's quite hard to type.

Good news, I have a new phone.

Bad news, it won't actually let me open Wattpad.

So for now I'm still on my broken phone but hopefully by my next upload my new phone will have let me use Wattpad :)

Hope everyone is doing ok 🫶

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