Niall stomach bug

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Niall woke up and knew something was of, he felt dizzy and could feel a headache brewing at the back of his head, but he just shook it off and assumed he needed something to drink. He went down stairs to his kitchen and got something to drink as he had planned. When he was ready Niall got in his car and drove to the studio to meet the boys.

When Niall got to the studio all the boys where waiting for him as if he was late /he wasn't he was 5 minuets early/. He walked over to them and the boys informed him that they had an uncalled for radio interview and they had to leave for straight away. Naill was fine with this so they all got in the van and made there way to the interview, on the way Niall was unusually quiet because his headache had gotten quite bad and his stomach wasn't having the best time either (especially going round the bendy roads). Liam was sat next to Niall and had noticed the boy, who was usually a ball of energy, was copped up against the window not saying anything. "you ok Nialler? your weirdly quiet" Liam asked in a worried tone, "just a bit tired" Niall replied not trying to draw to much concern to the conversation. Niall didn't mind telling people when he felt unwell, but he preferred to tell someone quietly and not draw quite as much attention to himself.

When they arrived at the place they were doing there interview the boys all got out the car but Harry pulled Niall aside, "you look awfully pale Niall, are you sure ok?" harry stated, "I'm ok Haz, just didn't get much sleep last night" Naill lied. At this point Naill's head was pounding in sync with his heart beat and his stomach was putting him in enough pain to curl up in a ball and cry, but Niall didn't want harry worrying about him in the interview.

In the interview Niall said as little as he could and sat curled up in his seat all colour lost in his face. when the interview finally ended Naill swiftly left the room and took himself out as he craved fresh air to get rid of the agenising nausea feeling in his stomach. He herd a voice behind him ask "Niall you good, mate?" he immediately knew it was louis so Niall turned around to look at him through his glassy eyes, Louis sat down on the step beside Niall and put a hand round his shoulders and one hand on his forehead to check his temperature "Ni your burning up, do you feel sick?" louis asked. through the felling of sickness and the trembling of breath Niall managed to slur out "I- I have a p-pounding headache" Louis moved a little closer and Niall continued to say " and y-yes I fell si-sick." A look of concern flooded Louis face, "should I take you to the toilets?" Niall leaned into louis shoulder and shook his head, "I-I just want to g-go home" Naill mumbled. Louis sat the sick boy back up "I'm going to go and get he others and tell them your not feeling well, and tell them we should leave, okay?" Naill gave a small nod and gently placed his head on the stone cold wall to him.

On the way back Louis and Liam had swapped seats in the van so Liam was in the front Harry was back right, Niall back left and Louis was between them. Niall had his head rested on Louis for half the journey until his stomach was putting up the worst fight yet, "Lou-" Naill mumbled, "yes, mate" "I- I dont feel so g-good" Niall let out a small cry, Paul /who was driving/ slowed the car but not enough to stop. "Niall are going to be sick?" Liam asked, Niall gave a small shrug of his shoulders, then a nod of his head. Paul palled over on the side of the road. Harry walked round the back of the car and slowly raised Niall to his feet, Leaving Louis, Liam and Paul in the car. Harry walked the sick boy over to the grass where he bent down in pain and let out a small cry, it didn't take long for Harry to be on the floor with Niall with a hand rubbing circles on his back to comfort him. Niall let out a dry heave and swallowed hard "Naill you cant stop yourself!" Harry stated, "But-" Harry cut Niall short "you'll feel better once everything is up, stop resisting." the two boys were knelt on the floor for 5 minuets before Niall finally retched and brought up his breakfast from that morning, he threw up another 2-3 times before he got a break and was gasping for air, Harry sat with Niall for another two minutes and nothing happened "can you we back in the car now Niall?" Harry asked, Naill couldn't talk his throat was raw from getting sick but he gave a small nod and gave harry a hand so he could help the weak boy to his feet.

When the boys were sat back in the car, the other two sat in anticipation not knowing how there friend was. Louis went to ask Niall how he was but Harry interrupted and told the boys himself how Niall was, so the sick boy could lay his head and close his eyes even if he couldn't sleep. Right before Paul palled away Liam noticed a bag sticking out of a compartmeant and handed it to Niall saying "just incase." for the rest of the ride home Niall had his head placed in Louis shoulder with the bag open and clutched with a tight grip in his hands between his legs, he only had to use it once about 5 minuets away from his house but for the rest of the drive he was asleep.

When they pulled up to Niall's House, Naill was confused at the sight of all the boys getting out of the car and helping him to get into his house but then staying as they carried him to the bathroom, when Niall was as comfortable as you can be on a bathroom floor, Paul got up and said "right I'm of now boys, please can one of you come with me to receive Niall's car from the studio and drive it back for him" Harry stood up and offered himself, Harry and Paul left Liam and Louis with the sick boy, Niall gave out a small whimper which made Liam move closer to Niall so he could keep a closer eye on him, Louis lifted up the toilet seat and left the room to get Niall a cold wet flannel for his rising fever and got him some medicine to settle his head and stomach pain. When Louis was gone Liam had pulled Niall closer to his chest so he would feel more relaxed, Liam felt a hand touch his and guide it too Niall's hurting rummy, he applied some pressure and Niall removed his hand asking Liam to "keep his hand there," Louis walked back into the room and placed the cold cloth on nails forehead to try and bring down his fever, he also filled up the empty glass at the sink he had brought in for Niall to use.

He handed Niall the glass and three tablets for him to take, he struggled to swallow but managed to get the tablets into his system, but not for long. After only two minuets of laying back down on Liam, the sick boy was quickly tensing up had his head face down in the toilet shaking and heaving and the tablets as well as more content in Niall's stomach came up. To the boys surprise Harry was soon at the door asking if it was ok to come in? he was soon given contest and entered the bathroom. He could see Niall slumped over the toilet bowel and his head in his folded hands so Harry sat beside Louis and said nothing. after 20 minuets of silence Liam stated "I think it will be a good idea if we get Niall in bed its 8:40 pm so its getting kind of late" Niall gave a small nod, still unable to speak and put all his body weight on Liam. Liam and Harry carried Niall into his room with Louis following slowly behind, the two boys carefully lowered Niall onto his bead and Louis got him a bin and placed it beside him incase he needed to use it. The rest of the boys all got into bed with Niall, Niall in Liam's arms and Harry and Louis in each others all the boys were tired so they put a film on low volume and all dozed of to sleep.

when they woke up Niall was feeling much better but still not back to being a ball of energy, and despite being hungry was still throwing up anything he ate for the next 24hours that followed


I hope this is ok, I'm still new to this writing stuff but I'm trying my best :)

sorry for any mistakes, spelling errors missing words etc.

anyway please leave requests and always tpwk :)

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