Chapter 19

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So... I'm not dead. Before you read, we're gonna pretend Draco didn't have an eating disorder bc I forgot about writing it like half way through, and some other things will be changed but yeah... Ok hope you all enjoy. Also, in case I didn't make it clear, I know Harry didn't really do anything that bad to him in context, but its pretty much Draco's mental state which caused him to get the heartbreak thing - like Lucius physically and mentally abused him and Astoria cheating on him for months with one of his friends, so what Harry did - to him was a pretty big betrayal. Just thought I'd clarify.


3rd person pov

Draco had spent the past few weeks avoiding everyone since his diagnosis after getting a free pass from lessons from Madam Pomfrey.
"Draco?" he paused his music and took out one of his earphones before glancing up to see Pansy leaning slightly against the door frame.
"Are you coming for dinner?"
"I'm okay, thanks though Panz." she was silent for a moment, and if Draco didn't know Pansy as well as he did he would have gone back to listening to his music - and he was half tempted to anyway - but he knew she hadn't finished.
"You know... It's been 3 weeks... Maybe it would be better than staying here all the time - you have to do something -"
"Why? Because I'll die in about 4 months so I might as well - what's the saying? Live my life to the fullest?"
"Dray you know that's not what I mean."
"Don't I?"
"Draco why can't you see I'm trying to help you! Me and Blaise are."
"I don't need your help." Pansy opened her mouth to reply, but Draco cut her off by plugging in his earphones again and turned the volume up to full and turning his back towards her.

He didn't hear Pansy stamping towards him and only became aware of her presence when she pulled out his earphones so hard they were unplugged from the phone.
"Do you mind?!" he snapped
"Shut it, Dray."
"I thought you wanted to go to dinner." he glared at her.
"Not until you hear what I have to say." Draco rolled his eyes and turned over again, but was quickly yanked back to face her friend, and despite Draco's defensive and frustrated mood the glare his best friend wore was enough to make even Salazar Slytherin or Godric Griffindor shut up and do what she said, so using the common sense he had he sat up facing her.

"Look, Dray - I can't begin to imagine what you're going through, and after everything that you've been through, you're the last person to deserve it. And I know that the last thing you want to do is see that, that bastard - but shutting everybody out isn't going to help anything! It sounds selfish - but you're not the only one who's affected by this! And I'm sorry, but it's bad enough having to think of my best friend - the person who saw the good in me when everyone thought I was a self-entitled bitch - dying in a few months! But - I, I can't just sit back and watch sit here like you're just waiting to die because you can't see that you're worth so much more than you think!" Pansy had tears steaming down her face, and if she had more to say it cut out in a choked up sob. Draco was fighting back the tears, hating himself for not realising how much he was hurting his friends.

The trio didn't say anything, they just hugged silently with the occasional choked up sob from the silent crying. Blaise had come in soon after, too see his two best friends hugging, and with just a look they beckoned him over. Each one was unsure of what would happen in the next few months, but they knew deep down that no matter what happened, they'd deal with it together, like they always had done.

Ok, so I think I'm going to leave it there for now, mainly because I can't think of anything else to put. I'm going to try and do more updates soon, but I'm going back to school (why - because Boris is a dumbass who is once again ignoring experts) so I'll probably be adjusting to that and yeah, all that shit.

Just so you know - I don't really like the heartbreak thing, so I think I'll change the title and wrap that up pretty soon. Drarry will rise again, but it might not be for a couple of chapters, idk.

I'd just like to say thank you to all of you who've supported me and been as patient as you have. I'll see if I can update some of my other books as well, but I'm going to try and see if I can finish this book before I go onto others. I don't really know where this book is going, but I'll try and figure it out.

I know you're probably getting sick of this now, but please, in anyway you can try to spread awareness or sign petitions. Obviously police brutality and hate crimes to coloured people are still a huge issue. Some of the stories I've heard have made me feel physically sick. Also, hate crimes to Asian people are rising so much, again it disgusts me how bad it is. And Muslims are being held in concentration camps in China. This is a fucking 2nd Holocaust in the making, a literal genocide and no political leaders are doing anything about it. And that's only a few examples of all the fucked up shit going on it the world at the moment. So please, do whatever you can because someone has to do something.

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