Chapter 2

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The air in my room was filled with a thin mist while I added the final ingredients to the glamour potion I was brewing. It seemed the older I got, the more he decided to hate me, and the more brutal the beatings got. Speaking of my father hating me, he decided that I was going to the Greengrass Manor a day before I left for school. That meant I had one day to spend with my friends and girlfriend before I was neck-deep in my studies.

I'd decided that the NEWT subjects I would be taking would be Potions (obviously), Charms, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Muggle Studies - despite my father's complaints and protests. The others I figured I needed to become a healer, and Muggle Studies were normally quite relaxing, and they would be a pretty decent stress reliever. I wanted to become a healer, well... Because being a Malfoy, I'd seen (and experienced) enough hurt and pain to last a lifetime. I wanted to do something to help people. The Ministry weren't really focused on child abuse, and in pureblood families the abuser probably had a large influence - meaning a lot of the time the case never even got a trial.

I once knew a girl named Elizabeth Ze Fairne. She was a French, Slytherin who lived with her abusive Pureblood father. She was in 6th year, and tried to speak out against him. It never reached the Wizagmont. Because of this, she ended up killing herself last year. That is why I'm able to see Thestrals. She drank the poison before a professor got there. The Ministry don't understand the effects abuse has on people. They refuse to believe it happens because the don't want to deal with the press scandal. My father has been using the Cruciatus curse on me since I was 6, yet I doubt he'd be sent to Azkaban because he's one of the largest loaners.

An hour later the potion was finally ready, and I poured it into several small vials. This would save me having to cast a glamour spell on every scar or injury that's in sight. The potion hid everything at once. I packed it into my trunk and finished my packing.


My mother apparated me to the Greengrass Manor, where almost at my immediate arrival, I heard a happy gasp and saw Astoria run down the stairs to greet me.

"Drakie! Oh, you have no idea how much I've missed you!" she squealed. Her lips crashed against mine and I returned the kiss before pulling away. I would have kissed her for longer, but it felt awkward with Mrs Greengrass and my mother there. They shared a small smile, and I knew why. Ever since I was born it had been decided that as soon as either my partner or I left Hogwarts we'd be wed. I was allowed to pick my bride, as long as she was a Pureblood Slytherin. So in about 3 years I'd maybe be married to Astoria. I knew she wanted to marry me, despite us not even having slept together yet. I knew she wanted to, but I'd been hesitant after what happened that summer all those years ago.

- Flashback -
I was in my room at the Manor when I heard my father greet someone in the hall.

"Yaxley, how good to see you." I heard my father say.

"Yes, it's a pleasure. I hope the Ministry aren't working you too hard?" my mother said.

"Good, good." Yaxley replied curtly.

"Will you be staying the night?" my father asked.

The conversation carried on, and I stayed up late doing homework. Around Midnight, I finally fell asleep.

An hour passed when I awoke to my door being opened. I tensed up, not knowing what to do, and hoping if they think I'm asleep they'd go away. But they don't.

I feel the mattress press down, almost like someone had climbed onto the bed.

"Such a handsome boy..." I hear someone coo, and recognise the voice as Yaxley's. My heart begins pounding as he strokes my face, travelling down until he reaches my pants. I feel like I can barely breathe as he begins to unbutton my shirt and stroke my chest and place a series of kisses on it.

I can't move and I had no idea what to do. I hear him unbuckle his belt and pull his pants and boxers down. My heart rate sped up and I couldn't breathe at all. Tears slipped down as he pulled down my pants. I try to block out what happened next, but I couldn't escape the terrible pain I felt as he pressed down upon me....

- End Of Flashback -

"Drakie? Drakie are you alright?"

"Huh? What?" I say, and turn to my girlfriend, who returns a smile.

"Oh, nothing, you just seemed to zone out a little."

"Oh, sorry." I say, and kiss her gently on the lips.


The Scarlet train billowed smoke from the funnel as I made myself through the crowed platform to find a compartment.

"So, Draco, you still planning on becoming a healer?" Pansy asks me once we've sat down and  the train has taken off.

"Um, yeah. Yeah, I do. It's just going to be a bit hard with my father. He expects me to take over the estate and get an office job in the Ministry." I groan.

"Yeah, that sucks, Mate." Blaise says. "Hey, are you still planning on carrying out that petition?"

I nod. I'd been thinking of starting a petition to get abuse, especially within powerful pureblood families, taken as seriously as a murder. I still had to talk to Hermione about it, but I was sure she would help me. I was also pretty sure that being the so-called *Slytherin Prince*, I could a bunch of Slytherins to sign.

"Are you going to say that you've sent it?" Pansy asks, "I mean, it would maybe get it taken a lot more seriously if you say what happened to you."

Oh, yeah - Blaise had pushed me in the pool yesterday while I was wearing a white shirt, meaning Pansy and Blaise saw all my scars. It turns out they actually suspected it for a while, but they were still shocked. I think they were trying to tell themselves it wasn't true.

I sigh, "I don't know. Yes, it would have a better impact, but my father would also kill me."


The sorting was pretty dull, and all I could do was stare at my empty plate. I was hungry, but my father's words kept echoing in my head.






I push away my plate and try to engage in conversation. Eventually the feast is over and I decide to go back to my room and plan the best way to carry out my petition, when Astoria pulls me aside.

"Hey, Drakie?" she smiles, while twirling a lock of her chestnut brown hair around her finger.

"Yeah, Tori?"

"Well.... I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the Room of Requirement?"

"Um... I'm kinda tired..." I say, which isn't really a lie.

"Well maybe we can sleep there...." she says seductively, but I immediately tense and hesitate.

"Tori... I'm sorry... I - I'm really tired." I try to say, but she returns my sad smile with a scowl.

"Ugh, it's always something! Why don't you want to fuck me?!" she snaps as I blush furiously, before my embarrassment turns to annoyance.

"Well, I'm sorry, I thought that I could decide whether or not I actually wanted to fuck someone!"

"We've been together a year and a half! Sorry if I thought we were ready to take the next step!"

"I've been 16 for less than 2 months, and you're 15 for crying out loud! And is it so bad that I don't want to fuck!"

"Ugh! I thought you were fucking mature! You're such a lousy boyfriend!"

"And you're a bitch, Astoria!" I yell before storming off, tears in my eyes.

"Look at that. You're so worthless that even your girlfriend hates you."

Shut up....

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