Chapter 12

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We must have fallen asleep at some point, because I remember closing my eyes and then when I reopened them the sky was an orangey colour. I sat up rubbing my eyes at the sleeping boy beside me. A quick tempus charm told me it was about 7:15am. I knew I should wake Harry, but he seemed so peaceful and calm I didn't want to disturb him. I swear that even though he did stop me from jumping to my death, if it wasn't for him I'd still be dead. I would have killed myself weeks before now. I'm sure of it.

He woke up about half an hour after me, and decided to eat the rest of the picnic for breakfast. Well, Harry ate - I nibbled. We had Potions first, and were walking there together. It was no secret that we were friends, causing a major gossip point around the school. There were so many conspiracy theories about our unlikely friendship - like if I'd put Harry under some kind of spell (honestly, some people). But mainly people just accepted it and would even smile when they saw us together. It's funny, when  was in 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd year I would have loved this much attention - but now I kinda just wish I could be invisible. Sometimes I wish it was just Harry and I alone someplace, without anyone sticking their nose into our business and no stress about schoolwork or that essay you'd forgotten until the day it was due in. Somewhere just....peaceful.

When morning classes were finally over, Harry handed me my Transfiguration homework back. They hadn't done the homework - I never expected or wanted them to - but on a separate sheet there were the answers which I recognised as Hermione's handwriting. I added to the growing list of mental notes regarding Hermione to thank her later. Classes went by slower than I remembered, and it took every piece of willpower I had to not zone out and to force myself to take as detailed notes as possible. By the end of it I was exhausted, but I knew if I wanted to actually get caught up I'd have to study. I wished I could just transfer all knowledge into my brain and just remember it for eternity. It would make life so much easier.


The library was quiet, yet I had a splitting headache. I wanted to grab a headache-relief potion from my dorm, but I'd been avoiding the Slytherin Common Room recently due to the whole Astoria thing, then the Pansy and Blaise thing, and finally people calling me a traitor for befriending a Griffindor. I massaged my forehead with my fingers: it was no use trying to catch up on work while feeling like your head was splitting in two.

"Draco?" I suddenly heard and shot up, to see the person I least expected to see.

"Hermione?! I, er.... Hey." I stuttered. Merlin, I couldn't do anything right.

"Hey, Draco." We sat there in an awkward silence, neither of us knowing what to say. Well, it wasn't surprising as we hadn't spoken in over a month.

"So... You and Harry made friends."

"Um... Yeah... Look, Hermione, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you that word."  she looked down, but then smiled slightly.

"It's okay, Dray. You'd been dating Astoria for about 18 months, and then she'd been cheating on you for Merlin knows how long. It can't have been easy for you, and it was natural for you to lash out."

"Yeah, I did a lot of that, that day." we grin at each other.

"Friends?" I ask.



I couldn't express how relieved I was to make up with Hermione. We caught up on our lives, although I missed out the depression parts, and my crush on Harry. When I left to go and meet the boy, Hermione told me if I ever needed help with my studies all I had to do was say. When I reached the willow tree, I found Harry was already there - a huge grin on his face when he saw me.

"Hiya, Dray!"

"Hey, Harry."

We pulled apart the branches and sat down at the trunk. We sat there just talking when I felt Harry's hand brush against mine. He blushed furiously when I glanced up at him, but when I cautiously took his hand in mine we smiled at each other. I hoped and prayed that I wasn't showing my true feelings on my face. My heart was pounding so fast and I felt a giddiness too. Last night was one thing, but this time we had wanted to hold each others hand. We talked a little more, but soon the conversation drifted off and we fell into silence.

"Do you... Erm.... Do you want to head to dinner?" Harry asked.

"Sure..." I replied, yet neither of us moved from our position.

"Why... Why did you care?" I thought to myself, but blushed when I realised I'd said it out loud.

"What do you mean?"

Shit, no going back now. "It's just... For the first five years of knowing each other we've been famous throughout the school for our rivalry. Then... You help me when I'm at my lowest when you had every right to leave me there. You had no reason to help me but you did, and never asked for anything in return. So... Why did you save me?". We were looking directly at each other now, our faces only inches apart, making me blush.

"Maybe... Maybe it's because I saw someone worth saving..." I could feel Harry's breath on my face - yet I didn't care. My heart was pounding, my cheeks flushing.

"And... Maybe I always have..." he whispered. It was like my breath had stopped, and I was paralysed. Not with fear, or shock - but it was more like I didn't want to move. Despite being terrified, I liked being this close. I like the way he locked his eyes with mine. I liked how I felt the warmth of his breath on my face. I liked how he whispered each word he spoke.

"Harry..." I whispered. It was barely auditable as my throat had all dried up.

"Just shut up, Dray." suddenly his lips captured mine, and my breath caught as I sank into the kiss.

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