Chapter 10

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Harry took my homework from me and told me he'd meet me in the entrance hall just before dinner before disappearing. I cast a tempus charm and saw I had 4 hours before dinner so I decided to go and try and get some sleep. The Slytherins in the common room barely noticed as I slipped upstairs and collapsed in my bed, feeling exhausted. I tossed and turned for a while before just lying on my back. Dark thoughts crept into my mind as I laid there not even realising as the hours slipped by. I sighed, wishing I could just be like everyone else. Why couldn't I be able to laugh and smile and actually mean it. Why couldn't I have a loving family who didn't hate me. Why couldn't I be straight?! It was as I dwelled in these thoughts when I heard Blaise enter the room.

"Malfoy, you've got a letter." he said coldly before throwing it on my bed. Tears pricked my eyes as I thought on the fact how he called me Malfoy instead of Draco. I roughly dried my eyes and picked up the letter before an overwhelming feeling of dread washed over me as I realised who it was from.

I am thoroughly ashamed of you as I realise how careless you've become with your classwork. The only adequate feature of you was your grades, yet you have disappointed me once more on how worthless you are. I don't know what I did to deserve such a mistake like you. I wish you had never been born - at least that way I could keep my head held high in public. You're a disgrace. If your grades fall anymore you will receive a fate worse than death. I am ashamed to call you my son. I have also heard that you allowed yourself to be cheated on by Astoria. Not even she could stand you. You're pathetic.

Ashamed and embarrassed,
Lucius Malfoy

Tears stung my eyes as I crumpled the parchment and threw it across the room. There was a burning fire of pain in my chest and I only knew one way to let it out. The razor was familiar in my hands and I drew up my sleeve revealing the dozens of scars tattooing my arm. I didn't care if Harry would check them tomorrow like he did every day. He never checked my stomach, thighs, and ankles. I didn't care. Maybe now he'd see you can't fix something that's broken beyond repair.

10 minutes later:

They stung like usual, but it felt dull like I was so used the the feeling it didn't hurt as much. Tears fell down my cheeks as I watched the beads of blood trickle down my arms. I wondered what would happen if I just cut deeper... There was no one to save me this time. No one cared enough to save me. I pressed the blade deeper, wincing as it cut through my flesh... When I realised. Someone did care. Harry cared. He looked so terrified when he thought I could have died. He went out of his way to help me in classes. He comforted me when I was breaking down. He never gave up on me no matter how much I gave up on myself. He stayed with me no matter how horrible I was to him. And I realised.... I was in love with Harry Potter.


Hi, sorry it's so short, I just thought it would be a really good place to end it. Also, I just wanted to say thank you for all the feedback I've gotten on this story, I really appreciate it.

- Dusk_galaxystar 💚❤️

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