Chapter 13

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I couldn't believe it. The kiss seemed to spark a fire in me which I'd never felt before with Astoria or Hermione. I couldn't explain it, but I felt an urge to delve deeper into his kiss. It was like I'd been in the dark and suddenly I was consumed with a light which sparked fireworks inside me. When we finally pulled away we were suddenly embarrassed and looked at the ground blushing.

"I - I'm sorry.... I don't know what came over to me." Harry stammered.

"It's fine..."

We fell into an awkward silence as we both thought about what had happened. Yet all I could think of was what my father would think. Or more importantly, what he'd do. We heard the bell chime 6pm, and both went to dinner without saying another word. Some of the kinder Slytherins tried to talk to me, but I could barely listen to what they were saying as I thought over the kiss. I was way to nervous to glance up in case I caught Harry's eye, so I kept my eyes directly on my plate of food. Well, it wasn't exactly a plate. I'd put a bit of salad on there, but it wasn't a lot. As usual, my appetite had vanished - but I managed to swallow and resist the urge to throw up. Harry would want me to eat. Shit - shouldn't have thought about him.

Once I'd finished I pushed my plate away and left the hall, confusion pounding my head. I knew I should talk to Harry - but I really wanted to just hide myself away. God, I wished we'd never kissed....yet at the same time I never wanted to forget it. I just wished there hadn't been that awkwardness after it.

Luckily I only had classes this morning, yet I wanted more than anything than to skip. But if I did... I'd fall so behind. I thought for a minute.

"Ugh, fuck it." I said out loud before stalking off to the astronomy tower. I didn't care anymore. I had hardly anything good in my life so why should I care about good grades? The morning slipped by as I leant against the railing, staring far off into the distance. A robin flew around me before shooting off into the distance, and I wished I could be as free as him. Instead I was trapped. Trapped in this fucking school where I had nothing, trapped in an abusive home, and trapped in my own life. Tears slipped down my face as I just thought - "Why me?"

"Draco?" I heard behind me, and turned my head to see Harry. I turned away, muttering, "Fuck off, Harry". He sat down next to me, and silence overlapped us.

"I'm sorry." he eventually said.

"For what?" my voice was emotionless, and one glance at him told me he hated that.

"For running off yesterday."

"It's fine, everyone makes mistakes." still no emotion.

"The only mistake I made was running off. The kiss wasn't a mistake, I just -"

"Figured you shouldn't get involved with a useless, depressed, low-life like me."

"No! Dray, no! I got scared. I got scared because I just thought that I'd ruined the friendship we had! But the truth is... I - I love you."

I snapped my head around to face him, not being able to believe what he'd just said. "What?!"

He smiled a little, "I love you, Dray. I've loved you since 5th year."

"You... You mean it?"

"Of course," he said, cupping my cheek with his hand, "I've never meant anything more." and then he kissed me, soft and gentle - yet still with the same feelings it sparked in me. After a second or two he pulled away and stared out into the distance.

"I... I... I think I might feel the same..." I whispered, anxiety building up steadily inside of me.

"You.... You do? You think?"

"Well, I don't know! Up until a month ago I thought I was as straight as a ruler but now.... Now I'm not sure..."

"So you think you could be bi?"

"I'm not sure.... I'm not really attracted to anyone that much unless I actually know them well.... Like I wouldn't feel anything towards someone I just met but if I know them well then I'd feel something, or.... Ugh, I don't know!". Harry hugged me, thinking for a second.

"You know... Maybe you're demi-sexual."

"What's that?"

"It's when you're only attracted to someone if you have a strong emotional connection with someone. Like, you were good friends with Astoria weren't you?" Harry explained.

"Well, yeah. And with you"

"So maybe that's what you are. Demi-sexual."

"Yeah... Maybe... "

"But anyway, what about us?"

"Well... We both love each other..."

"You love me too?!" he grinned, looking happier than ever.

"Yes, but anyway..." I'm cut off when I suddenly feel Harry's lips against mine.

"Draco, will you be my boyfriend?". He looked so hopeful, yet I already knew my answer.

"Yes, you dork." Harry then broke out into cheers, dancing around the tower. While I laughed, my mind slowly drifted off to the rape... The feeling of him pressed up against me. My breath caught and I immediately felt sick.

"Dray, Dray are you alright?" Harry had stopped cheering now, and had concern in his eyes.

I forced a smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. But, um... Harry..."


"Can we take things slow?" Harry looked at me curiously, but broke out into a smile.

"If that's what you want, that's what we'll do." I smiled back at him, and we spent the rest of the afternoon staring off towards the forest, wrapped in each others arms.

Btw, I'm changing the title to Heartbreak soon, because it will fit in with the story later on. Also, I'm sorry if this took to long, I didn't realise it would.

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