A/N (sorry)

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Hi, everyone! Okay, so I'm really sorry about not posting another chapter, but I am having severe writers block on this story. I know how I'm going to end the book, it's just getting to that point. However, after this week, I won't have to do anymore home schoolwork, so thank the lord for that, but at the moment when I do schoolwork I am slowly loosing the will to live. I hope you all understand, but hopefully I'll start updating more when the summer holidays start. And.... I don't really know what else to say, but yeah. Also, if you're interested, I have began a new story (I know, I need to stop writing different stories at the same time). But yeah, it's called Bad Boy Romance, and I'd really appreciate it if you had a look. It's fine if you don't want to, but yeah. Okay, I need to stop saying "but, yeah." Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this.

Also, I've been considering doing a Q and A if you guys are interested...? So, if I get at least 10 people commenting on this chapter saying they'd like a
Q&A with their question for me, then I'll do it and it will probably be in my next update. Okay, love you all.
- Dusk_galaxystar🖤

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