Chapter 3

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The next day I woke up after a sleepless night. The voice in my head was telling me that the argument last night was my fault. That I was being selfish and mean. Was it my fault I didn't want to sleep with her? I'd been raped for Merlin's sake! My first sexual experience was rape, so was it so bad that I was scared to have another one?! But maybe I should tell her about it. I just didn't want to say it. It was so much easier pretending it didn't happen. Yet, the more I thought about it, there was so much that Astoria didn't know.

After lying in bed for another hour I realised that mbreakfast would have already started. I knew I should go, but I didn't want to face Astoria just yet. I would, maybe I'd talk to her in the common room tonight. Instead, I wrote a note to Hermione.

Can you meet me in the library after dinner, there's something I'd like to discuss with you.

I went to my lessons as usual, despite not really wanting to. 4th period was charms, and I sat down at a table in the corner. I'd skipped lunch, as I decided to do my Transfiguration homework instead of doing it in the common room tonight. After all, I'd be talking to Astoria tonight.

I was practically falling asleep when I heard the scraping of a chair and a "Hey" next to me. I slowly pulled myself up and saw Astoria sitting next to me.

"Tori, I -" I began to say, but she cut me off.

"No, Drakie, I should apologise. If you're not ready to take the next step it's not your fault. I was immature and I'm sorry." she said, a sad look in her eyes.

"Tori, it's fine. I'm sorry I called you a bitch."

She laughed, "Don't worry about it, it was the wakeup call I needed."

We laughed and talked, until I realised, "Wait, what are you doing in this class?"

"Oh, well, my charms class was full and they asked if someone wanted to join the 6th year class. I knew you'd be here, so I volunteered." she explained, while I smiled slightly.

"Won't the work be a bit too hard for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's why Professor Flitwick is going to set me separate work for me to practice in my own time."


Lessons were over for the day, and I was going to head down to dinner when Astoria came running up to me.

"Hey, Tori, what is it?"

"Well, Drakie, I really wanna hang out with Ebony, a girl in my year, but I have Charms and Potions homework to do!"

"Oh... And...?"

"Well you're really good at those subjects and I'm awful at them, so I'm probably gonna get detention for failing!" she wailed, "So I was hoping that you could maybe do them for me?"

"Well, er...." I wasn't sure what to say, but I felt like I owed her for forgiving me so easily after the argument, so I agreed.

"Oh, thank you, Drakie! You're the absolute best, I'm so lucky to have you!"
She cried, wrapping me in a hug and crashing her lips on mine.


I knew that I should go to dinner, as I told myself I hadn't eaten all day, and didn't eat anything at dinner yesterday. But the voice in my head spoke up again,

"The reason your father hates you so much is because you're fat. You're fat, and disgusting. Eating will make you gain weight, and then your father will be furious. He'll use the torture curse on you, and you know how much you hate that. And Astoria won't want a fat boyfriend. No one will ever love you if you stay like this."

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