Chapter 17 (finally)

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Before we start, I just wanted to thank you all for being patient and waiting for me to update - it means a lot. Btw, this chapter will probably be shit because I haven't written anything in so long it might take a while to get back into it. And also, it's going to be Draco's pov unless I say otherwise. all you Draco fans... I'm sorry...

Light blinded me as I squinted my eyes open to see the familiar room of the hospital wing. I could barely remember how I got there. All I could remember was going to surprise Harry from coming back early... Harry. Weasley. The dare. A sharp stabbing pain cut through my chest suddenly as I thought about it, causing me to cry out. My chest throbbed and I winced, hugging my knees to my chest. What the fuck?! I didn't know what had caused this; it defiantly wasn't anxiety. Maybe it was some broken ribs my father had kindly given to me for Christmas.

My cry must have alerted Madam Pomfrey's attention, because she poked her head around her office door before walking towards me.

"Hello, Draco. I'm glad to see you're awake." the nurse smiled at me, but there was something else. A flicker of sadness or pity in her eyes as she looked at me.

"Erm... Hi..." I replied, not really sure what to say. Her sadness had thrown me off, and now doubts were beginning to gnaw on my mind.

"Do you remember what happened?"

I blocked out all thoughts of Harry. "I remember my chest hurting really badly...but it wasn't like any anxiety or even panic attack I've had before. I remember running down the corridor, before just collapsing. I don't know why"

Madam Pomfrey was quiet for a few moments, as if she was choosing what to say. "Draco... What I am about you ask you, you must answer with complete honesty... Do you understand?"

I was confused, and nervous - but I shakily replied yes.

She took a deep breath. "Draco, I noticed the soul mate mark on your wrist - along with some other concerning things -" shit. I blushed slightly and wished I could either disappear or go unconscious again. Madam Pomfrey looked at me sternly before sighing and shaking her head. "But we'll talk about that another time. The most important thing is the soulmate mark."

"Um... Yes...?"

"So I'm safe to assume your in a relationship, am I right?"

"I... I guess..." I whispered uncertainly. I wasn't even really sure what to call Harry and I anymore.

Madam Pomfrey was silent once more, before asking, "Draco, just before you collapsed, did you have an argument with that person, maybe? Maybe you felt hurt, or betrayed by them?"

"Well..." I didn't know what to say. I was expecting something like have you been getting enough sleep? Have you been eating properly? Have you been stressed lately? I wasn't expecting questions like them - and it worried me. Sure, it could have been her being curious - because how many 16 year olds have a soulmate?!... But the sadness in her eyes earlier flashed through my mind, and the way she asked made me nervous.

The nurse sighed and closed her eyes, before clearly forcing a kind smile. "Please let me check something, Draco. I could send your friends in if you like? They're both very worried about you."

I nod absent-mindedly, not really paying attention to her - doubts and anxiety invading my mind. But I'm snapped out of it as I see Pansy and Blaise running around the corner.

"Dray! Oh my god, I - we were so worried! Are you okay? What happened?" Pansy fired at me and half-suffocated me in a tight hug where I could almost feel the nerves in her body.

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