Chapter 5

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I couldn't hear anything, except my blood pounding. My chest was so tight it hurt, and my arms were so heavy I could barely lift them. I tried to open my eyes, but when I opened them a millimeter I was met by a blinding white light that forced me to close them again. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was dead or alive. All I knew was that everything hurt. I squint in the light, and when my vision adjusts I see I'm in the bathroom. Great. I'm not dead. I try and stand up but almost immediately my legs give way and I crumble to the floor. That's when I see my arms.

Their covered in dried blood, so I must have been unconscious for a while. Blood has dripped onto the floor as well, and I have to say it looks nasty. No wonder I feel so lightheaded. I take deep breaths - all I know is I can't let myself be unconscious. It could kill me. Also, people would find out and I wouldn't be able to cope with that. All the glances I'd get and the whispers. No thanks.

I rinse away the dried blood, making the water turn red. I grab some toilet roll and dry then, and wrap it around my arms to at least with hold the bleeding until I could disinfect and bandage them properly. Once I've got myself cleaned up I'm feeling less lightheaded than before, but I still feel like I could pass out. I'll steal a blood replenisher from the hospital wing later. I stare at the floor and wonder how ill clean it up. I can't use any more toilet rolls because people would see it in the bin. At that moment I hear the door open behind me.

Quick as I can, I force myself into a stall, praying they won't notice I'm in here. I hear their footsteps stop as I can imagine them seeing the broken mirror, and large pools of blood.

"Hello?" they say cautiously, and I feel like screaming when I realise it's Potter. Why, of all people in the whole fucking school did it have to be him?! To make matters worse, I feel myself overcome with dizziness.

"Hello, is anyone there?" he asks again.

Leave.... Please just leave....  I silently beg. But being him with his fucking hero complex, he doesn't. I see him peak around the the corner, and I see my chance. In seconds I pull up my hood and dash out of the bathroom. I hear him call after me, but I keep running, despite feeling like I'm going to faint any second. I run to the room of Requirement and whisper 3 times that I need a place to hide. It eventually opens after I remember I need to pace in front of the wall, and I launch myself into the room.

I slammed the door behind me as I crumbled to the floor. I looked around the room barely conscious, and saw it had a king size bed, and was filled with medical equipment. I crawled along the floor, slipping in and out of consciousness. I hauled myself up to the table and drank the blood replenisher just as I collapsed into a heap on the floor.

I woke up several minutes later, my head throbbing but feeling slightly better than I didn't before. I drank another blood replenisher to make sure that I wouldn't collapse again, and walked over to a different table. On that table there was disinfectant and bandages, so I cleaned and tidied up my arms before laying on the bed. I knew it would be dangerous to go to sleep, so I thought about the day.

Pansy and Blaise would be worrying where I was sooner or later, so I should leave here before they sent a search party after me. But I dreading facing other people. Having everyone know that my girlfriend used me, and cheated on me with one of my best friends for 7 months. It sounded like hell. Then Hermione probably hated me now for me calling her that disgusting word. I don't know why I did it. Maybe I was just lashing out and took everything out on her.

I ended up falling asleep to a nightmare plagued sleep, and shot awake at around 3am. I didn't want to get up yet, but I couldn't go back to sleep either, so I listened to some music for the next few hours.

At 6:30 ish I decided to leave the room of Requirement and go to classes. I went to my dorm where everyone else was still asleep. I saw that there was a bucket of water above Theo's head, attached to his alarm clock which he would be touching in 45 minutes. I smiled a little, knowing it would be Blaise or Pansy who set it up.

I decided to try and get a bit more sleep, and as I drifted off I thought about how I'd cut for the first time in a year, until a different question popped into my mind.... Why was Potter in Myrtle's bathroom?


Okay so I finally updated. I'm sorry for not updating in a while, it was because I had a bunch of other stories on the go, and I wanted to try and write a bit more of them before carrying on with this. However, I saw more people reading and voting for the story, so I decided to carry on with writing it. If you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote, because it really encourages me to keep writing stories. Thank you💚❤️

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