Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of Theo screaming as the water fell over him. Blaise was smirking at the sight, and at Theo's death glare he only laughed harder.

"Maybe you should think twice about messing with Dray." he smirked. I smiled a little, but that stopped when I noticed the blood on my sleeves. I quickly left to go to the bathroom with my clothes and bandages. This wasn't uncommon to everyone; ever since 1st year I've gotten changed separately to everyone else so no one would see my scars and bruises. I cleaned my cuts and bandaged them, before getting changed and returning my night wear to my bed. I packed up my school things, and went to breakfast. I didn't want to go, but I knew I had to eat something other wise I'd die. I wanted to lose weight, not die - at least not at the moment.

I felt 100 eyes on me as I walked into the great hall, but I knew that if I left it would make things worse. I nibbled an apple, wishing the whispers would stop. I glanced up at the Griffindor table and saw Hermione looking completely pissed off. I knew it was my fault, so I decided I'd apologise later that day. I finished eating my apple and left the great hall, heading off to Potions. I was the first one there, and Snape looked up from his desk as I walked in.

"Draco. Why aren't you at breakfast?"

I shrugged, "I didn't really want to deal with the stares and whispers. You know, with Astoria and me breaking up." I wasn't this open with others, but Snape was like a father to me. It's a strange thought, Snape being like a father, but I remember when he used to babysit me when I was younger. He'd teach me how to brew simple Potions, getting more complex the older I got. I could brew 3rd year Potions when I was 8.

"Ah, yes. I heard about that. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Hm, complete lie. My arms tingle at the thought.

"Draco, you may have the whole school fooled, but I am your god-father. I can tell when you're not fine."

I narrow my eyes, and glare at him. "Well, my girlfriend for a year and a half had been cheating on me with one of my best friends for 7 months. Forgive me if I'm a bit pissed." I snap.

Snape glares but covers it well. "I'll put your attitude to your situation, but if you take that tone with me again there will be consequences. Even for you."

I roll my eyes and walk to the back corner as a few Griffindors walk in. "Whatever."

More students come in, and soon the bell rings. Luckily, no one sits by me, as Pansy and Blaise don't have Potions with me this year.

"Right, today we will be learning to brew the draught of living death. Can any one tell me what this -" Snape gets interrupted when Weasley and Potter come barging into the room.

"Sorry we're late, Professor. We didn't know we were taking potions this year."

"10 points from Griffindor for being late and incompetent." Snape rolls his eyes. "Weasley sit next to Pucey. Potter sit next to Malfoy. Get your textbooks out and turn to page 19."

"Um, Professor we don't have our textbooks." Potter whispered.

"Another 10 points for being unprepared. Get some from the cupboard. Now sit!"

After getting his textbook, Potter sits down next to me, much to my annoyance. Was it really so much to ask to be left alone?!

The lesson passed quickly, and I found it really easy. I could brew the draught of living death when I was 11. It was easy. Surprisingly, Potter seemed to be finding it easy as well. I glanced at his work, and managed to get a glimpse of his textbook. It was covered in notes, which I recognised as my god-father's. I realised it must have been one of his old school books.

"Can I help you, Malfoy?" he asked. Crap, he noticed me.

"You're cheating." I replied shortly.

"What?" he blushed rapidly, and immediately covered his textbook. It was almost laughable.

"Well firstly you're awful at Potions, and you defiantly wouldn't get that good over 2 months. Secondly, you're textbook is covered in notes." I smirked at him, and he looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him.

"Please don't tell anyone." he asked.

"What? Is Saint Pottah asking me lie for him?!" I couldn't help but smirk - this was too good.

"You don't have to lie, just don't say anything. Besides, can you honestly say you've never cheated a little before?"

"No, I haven't. Some of us actually pay attention in lessons."

"Ugh, please, Malfoy. Snape will kill me!"

"Then it's your own fault."

"Malfoy! Please, I am asking for this one favour!" I look at him, and see nothing less than desperation in his eyes. I sigh and roll my eyes, knowing that I'm going against the whole enemy thing.

"Alright, fine. I won't say anything this lesson, but if I find out you're cheating after today - and I will find out - then I'll tell. Got it?"

"Yes! Yes, thank you, Draco!" he smiles brightly, and I have to say he looks kind of ador - NO! Hell no, I did not just have that thought. No no no no no.

"Yeah yeah, but you owe me - Wait, did you just call me Draco?"

Potter blushes furiously. "Of course not, Malfoy. Stop imagining things."

I laugh, "Sure Potter."

We smile at each other, and I can't help but feel a little better than I did before. We carry on making our separate potions, giving each other small smiles as we do so. But I can't help to notice the feeling in my stomach as we catch each others eye.

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