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Hi everyone, it's me. So, basically I've decided that I'm going to take a bit of a break from writing anything on wattpad, so when I do eventually update, this is why I haven't for a while.

Basically, especially with the whole lockdown thing and not being able to see any of my friends, my mindset hasn't been great, and I've also got a shit tonne of schoolwork I need to do. Schoolwork is the main reason I'm taking a break, especially as I get really stressed when I don't understand the work or I don't know where the work is as my school are using a bunch of different apps... And then when I've done schoolwork for the day, my old friend anxiety comes in and gets me thinking that I'm behind everyone else and I'm going to be behind doing my GCSEs and it just gets me really stressed. I would like to take a break from schoolwork just to, like, get into a better mindset or something, but then I don't want to fall behind so I get super stressed because I have no idea what to do.

This especially doesn't help when I feel really tired most of the time no matter how much sleep I get I just have very little energy and really can't be bothered to do any schoolwork. Especially when the most work I have to do is from the subjects I hate the most (French and maths) and then sometimes I don't even understand them...

Okay, well I've just realised I've been ranting for a while, but yeah. I don't know why I said all that and completely wasted your time, when I could literally say "I'm taking a break". I'm sorry, sometimes I just happen to be an idiot. But anyway, I'm taking a break, that's all you really need to know. See ya, people.

- Dusk_galaxystar🖤💚🖤

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