Chapter 15

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I woke up in a bright, white room lying on a bed with soft sheets. I looked around, dazed, wondering how I got here.

"Dray!" I turned my head and saw Pansy and Blaise sat there, their faces filled with relief.

"What happened?" I rasped, my throat hurting.

"Madame Pomfrey says that you had panic attack and passed out." Blaise explained.

"How long was I out?"

"About 10 minutes since we brought you here."

I nodded, thoughts clouded my mind. I must have looked so stupid and pathetic back there... I knew how rare it was to pass out from a panic attack. I looked around the room but didn't see Harry anywhere. I felt my heart sink. Didn't he care to see if I was alright? I brushed it off... No, he probably didn't even know.

"Yeah it was really stressful... Everyone crowding around you. Even Potter and his friends were sticking their noses in." Pansy moaned. My heart sank again. After a while Madame Pomfrey says I can go, but tells me to be careful. Pansy and Blaise try to start a conversation with me as we walk back to Slytherin, but all I can think about is Harry. Why didn't he show up if he knew what had happened? But then I shook my head and scowled. What was the point in just thinking of worst-case scenarios when I could just find the answer from Harry himself...

My anxiety peaked so much in that thought, and even more as I made an excuse of going to the bathroom and darted off. I felt sick as I walked the corridors in search of him and had to lean against a wall with my head in my hands several times to calm myself. Eventually I made it to our tree, where I found my boyfriend.

"Dray! Omg, are you okay?! When I saw you pass out for a minute I thought you were dead, omg, Dray!" he was crying, and engulfed me in a hug, kissing me.

"Why didn't you come to the hospital Wing?" I whispered.

He looked sad, and seemed to be thinking about his answer for a second, "Hermione said that we should let Pansy and Blaise with you first, as they're your best friends. I wanted to go, but Ron and Hermione don't know about us so it would seem weird. I'm sorry." he really did look sorry, but there were just some kind of feeling I couldn't shake away. I put it down to my anxiety, and smiled at him.

"It's ok, sorry I got so worked up about it..."

He cupped my cheek in his hand and smiled, "Don't be"

We kissed, but broke away suddenly when a burning pain appeared on our arm. Pulling up our left sleeve, we saw a sparkling golden ring appear, tattooed in our arms. Mine made the scars I had around that small area disappear. (just clarifying, his scars didn't all disappear, just the ones with like 3cm radius away from the ring) Inside my ring, there were the initials HP, and in Harry's, DM.

"What does this mean?" Harry asked, staring at his ring.

"Soul mates... We did about it last year in Ancient Runes. This is the soul mate symbol." (I don't know and don't care if it's true or not).

"Are you sure?!"


"God..."  Once again my anxiety peaked, it sounded as if he wasn't happy I was his soul mate.

"Dray, please don't cry! I'm so happy you're my soul mate! I was just surprised, that's all!" he kissed me, and wiped away tears I didn't even realise I had until he said I did.

"Are you happy?" he looked so nervous, but I smiled and kissed him


Harry kissed me again, and I kissed back, feeling nothing but love for him. He was so perfect. We kissed more, until I felt him lightly lifting my shirt. Fear flooded me, and I pulled away from him terrified.

"Dray... Dray, I.. What is it? What did I do?" he sounded so hurt and confused, but all I could do was shake my head as tears streamed down my face. He tried to touch my arm, but I shrank away from him. I didn't want him to touch my at all. Deep down I knew it was ridiculous: Harry probably didn't even realise what he was doing - but he'd put me back in my room at the Manor those three years ago.... Back to the rape...

We sat in silence, metres apart, as I tried to calm myself down as thoughts invaded my mind. Harry would probably hate me now. I'd ruined everything. What should have been one of the best moments, turned into a nightmare because of me.

"Dray..." I heard Harry whisper, "What did I do?"

"N-nothing.... It wasn't your fault..."

"Then why did you shrink away from me like I was a monster?"

I didn't know what to say so I kept silent. I hated how I'd ruined everything. It was almost 2 and a half years ago, I should be able to do those things with my boyfriend.

"Dray, was it the kissing? Were we going too fast? Ugh, please just tell me!"

"Just - Just please, don't say anything... I can't..." my throat is choked up and I can barely breathe. Anxiety peaked at me and all I wanted to do was dissappear and take a time-Turner to erase this moment.

Silence overlapped us once more, and after what was probably a couple of  hours, I felt like I could breathe again. I wondered about telling him... But I knew that I should at least say some kind of apology - maybe even an explanation if I kept my anxiety at bay and didn't feel like I was suffocating.

"It... It wasn't your fault, Harry..." he turned to look at me, and I felt his eyes boaring into me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... You didn't do anything... At least, you didn't do anything that you knew would affect me..."

"Dray, what are you talking about? Of course I wouldn't purposly do something to upset you. But what I want to understand is why you reacted that way..."

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit... My throat was closing up and my heart began pounding more. No... I couldn't think of my anxiety. I took deep breaths, several minutes passing before I'd calmed myself down - to the best of my ability.

"It... It happened in the summer after 3rd year... Yaxley was staying at the Manor for a couple of days... And.. And -" I couldn't do it. I couldn't say it. I was choking up, breaths quickening, and my chest tightening in a knot that made tears prick my eyes.

Harry was silent and I could almost hear him figuring the pieces out in his head.

"He... He hurt you... Didn't he? That bastard hurt you..." I could hear anger vibrating through his voice. He sounded furious. I still couldn't speak so all I did was nod, tears streaming down my face. I closed my eyes, wishing everything could just stop. I wished I could stop time and just catch my breath - catch up with whatever fucked up life I had left. Harry was silent, but I soon felt his arms wrap around me. I automatically flinched, but realising it was the boy I loved - my soul mate - I relaxed into his arms. He comforted me by gently stroking my back and kissed my forehead lightly. I don't know how long we stayed like that - but all I knew was I wouldn't have it any other way.

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