Chapter 9

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Harry hasn't left me alone for more than a couple of hours since he found out about my depression. He always sits next to me in the classes we have together, which I suppose isn't too bad. I can't focus or concentrate on anything so Harry duplicates his notes and lets me have a copy. But even so, my grades are slipping so badly Severus has already called me into his office twice about my grades. I don't bother explaining to him. I know that he'd have to tell my parents, and that would just earn me a torture session with my father for being weak. Although I'd probably get one anyway once he realises how badly I'm doing at school.

On some days I'll just lie in bed all day staring at the ceiling just lost in my head. It's not like anyone in the dorm bothers to ask if I'm okay. Crabbe and Goyle are too oblivious to notice anything, Theo couldn't care less and has been avoiding me like I've got the plague. Too be fair, Pansy and Blaise did ask if I was alright...but after I told them to fuck off they did and haven't spoken a word to me since. I don't know why I did that. I'd give anything to have my best friends back again but for some reason I just lashed out at them. I want to apologise, but I'm constantly tired even if I've slept for 8 solid hours. I just feel so helpless.

I don't know what I'd do without Harry though. I've lashed out at him so many times, saying the cruellest words - but he always sticks by me as I sob in his comforting embrace minutes later. Hermione still hasn't spoken to me either after I called her the M-word. Although I do see her watching Harry and I in class, trying to figure out what changed between us. I don't know what has changed in me to be honest. I've always considered myself completely straight, especially after dating Hermione and Astoria. But with Harry I feel so safe and secure, and find myself blushing slightly when he smiles at me. I've noticed small things about his appearance too. Like how his emerald eyes light but when he's with me and how the bridge of his nose wrinkles up when he laughs. Then I feel so self-conscious and nervous around him. These thoughts terrify me. If my father ever knew I was having these thoughts about a boy - Harry Potter no less - he would probably kill me. He would never accept that I possibly liked both genders, and would kill me if I showed any interest in a boy.


I had a free period, and I was in the library trying to complete my Transfiguration homework. Severus had told me that if my grades slipped any more, he'd have to write a letter to my parents and place me in private tutoring sessions. Like I didn't have enough on my mind already. I ended up thumping my head on the table, unable to concentrate on any of the spells and their meanings. Frustrated tears squeezed their way out of my eyes and dotted on the paper. Why couldn't I do anything right?!

"Dray?" I heard. Turning my head, I saw Harry looked at me concerned.

"Leave me alone." I groaned turning my head away as I heard him sit down beside me.

"Dray it'll be okay."

"No it won't! I can't do anything right. I'm just worthless. You should have just let me jump off the tower."

"No, I shouldn't have, Dray. You mean so much to me,  I don't know what I'd do if you were gone. I lo-" he stopped himself and shook his head, "I care about you a lot. I know you're hurting, but I also know that you're stronger than you realise and you can get through anything. Even this."

"I've been depressed for over 2 years, Harry. I think I might be beyond help."

"No body is beyond help, Draco." he sees that I'm struggling on my Transfiguration. "Tell you what, we'll abandon this and just relax tonight."

"I can't. If I don't get my grades higher, Severus is going to write to my parents." Harry didn't know about the abuse, but he did realise that I don't exactly have the best home-life, and my father is extremely strict.

"When's it due?"

"Tomorrow after lunch."

"Leave it to me, I'll sort it out, okay?"

"I can't ask you to do that, Harry."

"Listen, your mental health is more important than a stupid homework assignment. I'll sort it, and we'll spend the evening together, kay?"

I thought for a moment before sighing. "Okay."

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