Chapter 16

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A week has passed since I told Harry about the rape, and things did seem to be better. I felt a lot happier, and obviously I did still have bad days, but I was steadily becoming happier. Although my grades were still lower than at the beginning of the year, I was still in the top 10 highest scorers. Harry was making me eat more - and to be honest I was. Now my depression was clearing a little, I did seem to have a bit more of an appetite, but did still see myself as fat. Harry would constantly tell me I was the skinniest person he had ever met and didn't have an inch of fat on me - but that nagging voice in the back of my mind still told me I was fat. Harry must have gone to Hermione for advice (because although I love him and he's my soul mate, I doubt he would've been able to think of it himself), and a few days ago he came up with a compromise that I'd eat more - at least 2 meals a day - but I could eat completely and utterly healthy. Just fruit and veg if I wanted. I was unsure, but I didn't want to upset him so I agreed.

I was in the library with Harry and Hermione, skimming over some boring Herbology book while they chatted. My mind was wandering but I forced myself to carry on reading, only catching snippets of their conversation.

"So, Harry, are you looking forward to the holidays?"

My blood ran cold as the realisation dawned on me that tomorrow I'd be leaving home. Tomorrow I'd be back with...him.

"Dray, are you alright?" Harry asked me. He must have noticed my breathing quicken. But I couldn't tell him: he didn't know. Hermione didn't know. Only Pansy and Blaise knew and they didn't think it was half as bad as it was. They only thought it was the occasional beating. They didn't really know... I excused myself and fled for the bathroom and tried to calm down. Father would be so angry at me, I could almost feel the cruciatus curse in his letter. I felt so helpless in the Manor, and I was terrified. I knew if I went back to that place my depression would plummet. I didn't want to go back to that person! I wanted to stay here! I wanted to stay here with Harry and Hermione and Pansy and Blaise! Angry tears overflowed from my eyes as I sobbed, wishing I could stop time and never have to face tomorrow.


I was sat in a carriage with Pansy and Blaise, feeling sick with anxiety. I'd said goodbye to Harry, and I wished I could tell him what my life was really like at home. If he knew the truth he'd never let me go back there. Pansy and Blaise had packed my trunk, thinking I was so stressed about my grades I'd forgotten. If only they knew...

They'd talked to me throughout the journey, asking how I was while I lied through my teeth. When they'd first found out I passed it off as the worst of it happening when I was younger and only happened now when my father was really, really drunk - which I'd said was very rare. Again, a lie. Yet they didn't seem to notice how as the train got closer and closer to King's Cross, I got quieter and quieter until for the past hour I hadn't said a word at all. I wanted to stay on the train until it came back to Hogwarts, but Father would know where I'd go and come after me. Then my punishment would be even worse.

Standing up as the train pulled up into the platform I almost collapsed to the ground by how much I was trembling. I felt sick and dizzy and wanted to die than go into my father's clutches.

"Dray, are you alright? You've gone really pale..."

"I'm fine, Pans, don't worry. It's probably just travel sickness." I'd meant to say it confidently and in a carefree voice, but it came out a timid whisper, and I was almost in tears from my constantly rising anxiety. Pansy and Blaise looked at each other unsure, but I faked a smile and repeated "I'm fine" and still looking doubtful, they let it slide. They knew me well enough that if I didn't want to talk about something, I wouldn't. It would be a waste of time trying. Besides, I did get sick after travelling - normally returning to the Manor. Wait... Sick...

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