Chapter 4

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I made my way down the corridor with tears in my eyes. Part of me wanted her to run after me, and tell me it was all some kind of horrible prank to get back at me for that argument. But I knew she wouldn't. I felt like an invisible hand was choking me, and I couldn't pull it off. My chest was tightening and the tears kept falling. I ducked into a bathroom and stood in front of a mirror, while I sobbed silently.

"This is all your fault." the voice growled. "no wonder she cheated on you. You're pathetic, and worthless. Come to think of it, she's probably better off. Who'd want a disgusting, dirty, fat boy like you. Not even your parents love you. She was the one good thing in your life and you threw it away. You should just jump off the astronomy tower or something... "

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" I cry. I look in the mirror to see my reflection. I see fat. I see a worthless, pathetic, disgusting, dirty, used person. The voice keeps chanting in my head, and I can't shut it out. And my reflection is still there....

I punch the mirror. I punch and punch and punch and punch, until it breaks and smashes. But even then I keep punching. The blood is dripping down my fist and there are glass shards lodged in my skin. I then begin to punch with the other hand. It's not as strong but eventually I get the same result. It's like I'm in a frenzy, and I'm desperate to feel some pain.

"Malfoy, stop! What are you doing?!" I hear someone cry behind me. I keep punching. They grab me from behind and drag me away from the mirror and I collapse in a broken pile in their arms. I can still barely breathe but the person holds me tight until it gets back to normal.

"Are you okay?" they ask, concern seeping through their voice.

"101%" I reply, sarcasm falling off my tongue. That's when I open my eyes to actually see the damage. My hands are drenched in blood, which reminded me heavily of my early 4th year. Blood is in the cracks of the mirror as well, but at least I can't see my reflection. And the once gleaming white sink is now dotted with crimson droplets and splatters. Great.

"Do you want me to get someone? Astoria, maybe?" they ask. They don't know, but even so I whirl around to face them with fury, but it soon melts away when I see Harry fucking Potter there. So he was the one who helped me?!

"It was YOU who helped me?!" I exclaim, not even bothering to thank him. I don't mean to be rude, and I can see offence in his eyes, but we've hated each other since like, 1st year. Why the hell would he help me?

"I didn't have to help you. I should have just let you punch your way through the wall. You're so pathetic." he snaps. I stare at him in shock.

"He's right you know... You are pathetic. Fat and pathetic. Maybe if you'd punched your way through the wall you could have fallen through and done the whole world a favour..." the voice jeers.

I feel tears prick my eyes and concern melts into Potter's face. I see him ask me something, but all I can hear is the voice. It won't go away. It's in me. It is me. Without thinking I get up and run, despite the blood dripping onto the floor.


When I finally reach the common room, I'm relieved to see that neither Astoria or Theo are there. I can't deal with them right now. I never realised how late it was, so most people have gone to bed.

"Hey, how was your date with - oh my god, Draco, what happened?!" Pansy cries, after she came over to greet me. She drags me into the dorm room where Blaise is reading. As soon as he sees me and the blood he forgets his book and quickly summons some bandages.

"Merlin, Dray, what the fuck happened?!" Blaise asked while wrapping my bleeding hands in bandages.

"Yeah, Dray. It looks like you got into a fight." Pansy said.

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