Chapter 8

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I thought for a split second I was going to be free. That my pain would disappear and I could actually be happy. I stepped off the ledge, keeping my eyes closed so they'd be the last thing I saw... When I felt two strong arms around me and pull me back. I struggle, trying to break out of their grip. I'm screaming, sobbing, begging them to let me go - I don't even know who it was but all that mattered was they were stopping me from dying. Yet no matter how hard I struggled, their grip never loosened. They held me close while I screamed at them.

After a while I gave up struggling and just sank down on the stone floor. It was then when whoever held me back spun me around - and I found myself face to face with Harry.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" he cries. He's got tears in his eyes and looks like I just broke his heart. And I can't take it anymore. Ever since I was  5 I've been pretending I was happy and fine, when in reality I'd been slowly breaking. So in that moment, 11 years of pain, suffering, and heartbreak took over and I broke down in his arms while Harry held me closer than what would be considered friends - but it felt right.


When I wake up, I find I'm in a large bed in an unfamiliar room. For a second I'm terrified - the memory and fear of the rape washing over me. I sit up and frantically look around the room, trying to spark some sense of recognition. Soon my anxiety takes over and I feel my chest tighten and my breathing quicken.

"Draco! Draco, look at me, it's okay. Last night you fell asleep so I took you to the Room of Requirement!" I see Harry there, and hearing those words calms me and eventually with Harry's help the anxiety attack passes. Exhausted and hopeless, I sink into Harry's arms, silent tears slipping down my face. I must have somehow fallen asleep after completely breaking down on the tower and he brought me over here.

We lay there for a bit longer until I leave to go to the bathroom. I do, but I also take out my pocket knife and add 6 new slashes to my arm. I feel so hopeless and again - I couldn't even control my suicide attempt. I couldn't control anything. Eventually Harry knocks on the door and asks if I'm alright. Sighing, I go open the door where I'm greeted by a concerned Harry.

"Hey, Dray. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I whisper looking at the ground. It's such a pathetic and weak attempt at a lie I'm not surprised when Harry sighs.

"Draco, can we talk?" I nod weakly, not having the energy to do anything else. I think I can give a pretty accurate guess on what it's going to be about. I sigh and follow him to the bed where we sit down next to each other.

"So... You tried to kill yourself didn't you." bingo. I stay silent, but even so tears prick my eyes. This was always the thing I was terrified of - people finding out my issues and habits.


"Yes! Yes, I did! Happy now?" I snap, tears falling down my face. I see tears suddenly prick his eyes, and he stammers like he doesn't know what to say.

"B-but... Why?! Is it because of what happened with Astoria?"

I sigh and close my eyes, leaning back on the bed. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Have you done anything else, apart from..."

"Suicide? Hmph. You wouldn't understand."

"Draco! Have you....have you self-harmed?" I stay quiet but turn my head away, answering his question. He's silent for a few minutes, probably taking it in when he suddenly gasps.

"Was that you?! Was it you in Myrtle's bathroom a couple of weeks ago - was that blood yours?!" Again, my silence answers his question.

"What were you doing there anyway?" I ask.

"Romilda Vane and her gang of fan-girls were chasing me so I went in there to hide. Then I say the blood, and a minute later I saw someone wearing Slytherin robes run out."

"Hm" I reply.

"Draco" he says.


"Promise me you won't hurt or do this again."

I sigh. "I can't promise that, Harry. You wouldn't understand."

"Then promise you'll try. And tell me when you're feeling depressed. Please, Dray. I want to help you. I will help you - if you'll let me."

"Sometimes people can't be fixed."

"That doesn't mean I won't try." I look at him and he smiles at me. And despite everything, I smile back.


Hi, sorry this chapter isn't as long as I'd normally write it, I'd kind of just lost motivation with it. I just wanted to tell you that please, if you are feeling depressed or anything like what's in the book, please talk to someone about it. There will always be someone who'll want to help or just listen to you. You can also message me privately if you ever want someone to talk. I know that you don't know me and I'm just someone who writes depressing stuff on here, but I am more than happy to listen if you want to talk about anything. From my own experience, I can honestly say that talking to people helps and does make things seem a little better. I also know that writing or drawing your feelings also helps. So please if you feel like this, do not keep it bottled up because it will only make things worse.

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