Chapter 9 Lessons

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Now that Torrhen was six, Ned decided that along with his studies with Maester Luwin, it was time to start Torrhen on his martial training. Ned took Torrhen out to the training yard to introduce him to Ser Rodrick Cassel, The Master at Arm.

Ser Rodrick was in the middle of practicing with some of the soldiers when Ned and Torrhen showed up. They sat down on a bench and watched the men spar. As Torrhen watched, he leaned towards his father, “I'm going to be better than them, father.”

Ned chuckled, “Are you, now?”

“Aye, I'm going to be the next Sword of the Morning.”

Ned stiffened, “Torrhen, you can't be the Sword of the Morning. You're a Stark.”

Torrhen looked up at his father with a determined look on his face, “Aye, Papa, I can. I'm also a Dayne, and when Uncle Dominick sees how good I am, he'll give me the sword. Uncle told me so.”

Ned assumed that Torrhen meant his Uncle Dominick, but of course, it was Arthur that told him that. Nevertheless, Torrhen had written his Uncle at Starfall and said to him that he was training to be the next Sword of the Morning, and Dominick said to him that if he was as skilled as Arthur, he could have Dawn.

Ned studied his son's face and sighed, “Is that what you truly want?”

“Aye, Papa, I want to be the next Sword of the Morning.”

Ned ruffled his son's hair, “Then we will do our best to make  that come true.”

Torrhen's violet eyes lit up, and he hugged his father, “Thank you, Papa. Then may I use my sword?”

“Your sword?”

“Aye, Uncle had a wooden sword made for me that looks like Dawn.”

Ned laughed, “Aye Torrhen, you may use it.”

Torrhen laughed and hugged his father, “Thank you, Papa,” Then took off running back to the Keep.

“Where are you going, Torrhen?”

“To get my sword!” Torrhen yelled back.

A few minutes later, Torrhen came back with his wooden replica of Dawn. Ned asked to see it and was amazed that it did look like the famous sword. He noticed that he had knicks on it as if Torrhen had already been practicing with it, but he decided not to say anything. Once Ser Rodrick finished with the soldiers, Ned and Torrhen stepped forward.

“Ser Rodrick, I have brought Torrhen to you so that you can begin his weapons training.”

Ser Rodrick bowed, “Of course, Lord Stark.”

Torrhen looked up at the Master At Arms and smiled. Ser Rodrick smiled down at the little boy, “When would you like to get started?”

“Right now!” Torrhen cried, “I'm ready; I brought Dawn with me.”

Ser Rodrick looked at Lord Stark, confused.

Ned took the wooden sword from Torrhen and showed it to Ser Rodrick. Ser Rodrick's eyes widened when he noticed that it was a replica of Dawn. He looked down at Torrhen, who had a proud look on his face, “Alright, we shall get started right now. You only need to change into your training leathers, and we'll get started.”

Torrhen quickly changed into the training leather and came back to the training yard. He got into a defensive position. Ser Roderick thought he would have to correct his stance, but he found that the little boy was positioned correctly. Ser Rodrik looked at how Torrhen gripped his sword and saw that the small boy was doing it correctly, “Have you done this before, Lord Torrhen?”

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