Chapter 13 Leaving Winterfell

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When the sun finally went down and Ashara returned to the afterlife, Ned and Torrhen left the Godswood. As they walked towards Winterfell, Ned informed Torrhen that he would make arrangements for Torrhen to foster at Starfall, as his mother and uncle wanted. Torrhen was a little nervous about leaving the North, but he knew it needed to be done to become the next Sword of the Morning.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, Lady Catlyn pounced on Ned, “My lord, I want to talk to you about Torrhen and Jon,” Catlyn told her husband.

Ned sighed, “Aye, my lady, we will talk after supper in my solar.”

Cat agreed and proceeded to have dinner served. While this was going on, Torrhen spent time with his brothers and sister, telling them stories and making them laugh. Theon watched the eldest Stark interact with his siblings; he scowled at the violet-eyed boy. Then didn't like how all of Robb's attention was on Torrhen whenever his brother was around. He wanted Robb and Jon to look up to him as the older boy, but Theon couldn't compete with Torrhen's charm and charisma, and Theon hated it.

Catelyn also couldn't stand how her son and daughter worshipped the ground that Torrhen walked on. Cat hoped that if she could convince Ned to send Torrhen away, then her son and daughter would forget about him, and she could establish Robb as the heir to Winterfell. So, after dinner, Catelyn made her way to Ned's solar, where he was waiting for her. Ned already knew what his wife wanted to discuss with him; she had been hinting for some time, even before Ned had left for the war, that Catelyn wanted Torrhen and Jon gone, and even though he might be sending Torrhen to Dorne, Ned had no intention of sending Jon away. Catelyn was going to have to endure having his bastard son there in Winterfell with him.

After dinner, Ned made his way to his solar and waited for Catelyn to arrive. He knew that sending Torrhen to Dorne would please Catelyn to no end, but Ned planned to make it clear to her that Robb was not going to replace Torrhen as his heir. Ned didn't wait long for Catelyn to show up; she knocked on his door and invited her in.

“My Lord, I wanted to speak with you about your sons.”

Before Catelyn could start her rant, Ned held up his hand, “I know what you want to talk about, My Lady, and under no circumstances is Jon leaving Winterfell. However, Torrhen has asked to be fostered in Starfall, and I have agreed.”

Catelyn's eyes widened at hearing that Torrhen was leaving. She would have preferred that both boys leave, but at least the heir was going, which would give Catelyn a chance to have Robb usurp Torrhen's position. Catelyn nearly cheered with glee at hearing the news, but she caught herself. Ned, on the other hand, was not fooled; he knew what his wife was thinking.

“I want you to know that Torrhen's departure changes nothing. He is still my heir, and nothing you do will change that, My Lady.”

Catelyn inwardly scowled, “Of course not, My Lord,” Catelyn's only hope was that Torrhen was killed while he was in Dorne.

Once Ned had explained himself, he dismissed Catelyn and began writing his letter to Torrhen's uncle asking if his son could foster with him. Ned did not doubt that Dominik would allow him; he knew that Torrhen's Aunt Allyria would be happy to see her nephew. Once Ned finished his letter, he went to the rookery and had Maester Luwin send the letter to Dorne. It took a few weeks for Ned and Torrhen to get a response, but when they did, Torrhen was ecstatic; his uncle had said yes.

As soon as Torrhen got the letter, he raced off to tell his brothers. Torrhen burst into the library where Robb, Jon, and Theon had their lesson with Maester Luwin; the four startled people turned and stared at Torrhen.

“I am going to Starfall!” Torrhen exclaimed.

Robb and Jon stared at their older brother in dismay while Theon smirked. He was glad to be rid of Torrhen. No one said anything until Maester Luwin cleared his throat, “Congratulations, Lord Torrhen. When do you leave for Dorne?”

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