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Cover made by ladyarchangel74

Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell had arrived with his brother in all but blood Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn to the Capital of King's Landing for the Royal Wedding of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen to Princess Elia Martell. He didn't want to be there. Not only was the South uncomfortably hot, but the city smelled of shit. He didn't understand how these Southerners could stand living in a city so crowded and smelly. Eddard longed to go back to the North and back to Winterfell when his fostering was complete. He only needed one more year, and he could go home.

The celebration for the blessed event would be lasting more than a month. At which time, Ned would spend his time between taking care of Robert and visiting with his father Rickard Stark and brother Brandon. He would also try to avoid the other nobles as much as possible without seeming rude. Ned didn't like the political dance that went on in King's Landing. He was an honest and direct person; such intrigues didn't appeal to him.

On the first night of the celebration for Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia, Ned watched from the sidelines as the Lords and Ladies danced. Off to his right, he could hear Robert's booming laughter carrying through the halls. Ned sighed and continued to watch the festivities, but as his eyes wandered, they suddenly fell upon the most beautiful violet eyes Ned had ever seen. Ned's heart raced when he noticed the lovely young lady that was looking at him.

It was Ashara Dayne, Princess Elia's Lady in Waiting. Lady Ashara smiled at Eddard who's face began to turn red, he gave her a shy smile in return and averted his eyes. The sound of her laughter reached his ears; it was the most beautiful sound Ned had ever heard. It sounded like the tinkling of bells. Ned turned around and noticed that his brother Brandon was talking to Ashara Dayne.

Ned frowned when his brother walked over to him, "Why the long face, Ned?"

"Why were you talking to Lady Dayne, Brandon," Ned asked.

"I was doing you a favor," Brandon said with a smirk.

At that moment Ashara walked over towards the two men, she smiled at Brandon but beamed at Ned. Ned's heart skipped a beat when Ashara came up to him and curtsied, "Lord Stark, would you care to dance," Ashara asked.

Ned's face flushed with embarrassment, but he cleared his throat, "I would be delighted, Lady Dayne." And so for the rest of the evening, Ned and Ashara danced every dance together.

For the remainder of Ned's time there in the Capital whenever Ashara could get away, she would spend with Lord Stark's second son. It didn't take long for the young couple to become close, and soon they declared their love for each other. The night of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia's wedding feast, Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne made love.

After the wedding, Lord Jon Arryn stayed in King's Landing for another two months to tie up some business he had with the king. A few days before Eddard was to return to the Eyrie, he was walking with Ashara through the garden. They made their way towards the Godswood so that Eddard could say his goodbyes. But Ashara had a secret to tell him.

"You're very quiet, My Lady. Is something the matter?"

Ashara wrung her hands in anxiety; her violet eyes looked into Eddard's grey eyes. Ashara took Eddard's hand, "Ned, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Ashara?"

Ashara took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Ned, I'm with child, and I'm going back to Starfall to have the baby. I do not expect anything from you. Bastards are treated better in Dorne, Ned, so you don't have to worry about your child."

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