Chapter 14 Arriving In Dorne

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It took several weeks for Torrhen and Ned's ship to sail from White Harbor to Dorne. They arrived in the harbor of Planky Town, where the ship unloaded its cargo. From there, Ned, Torrhen, and the retinue of Stark Soldiers would take a Dornish boat to the small port outside of Starfall. Ned and Torrhen thanked the captain then disembarked the ship. Father and son with their soldiers walked through the harbor, looking for the boat to take them to Starfall. Finally finding it, Ned and Torrhen boarded it, and Ned spoke to the captain. The captain informed Ned that they wouldn't leave for Starfall until the following morning. So, they found an inn to stay the night in.

The following morning, Ned and Torrhen were up early and went downstairs to meet their men and break their fast together. When they finished, they went upstairs and gathered their luggage. After that, the Stark party headed to the dock to board their boat. The captain showed them to their cabins, and soon the ship left Planky Town; it would take several days to reach Starfall. As they traveled along the coast of Dorne, Torrhen stood on the deck, looking over the coast. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder; Torrhen looked up and saw his uncle Arthur standing next to him.

Arthur sighed as he looked at his homeland; Oh, how I have missed the sight of Dorne, Torrhen. The ghost of Arthur Dayne told his nephew.

“Would you have preferred to stay?” Torrhen asked sadly.

No, my place is with you, no matter where you are, Nephew.

Torrhen grinned as he and his uncle continued to look at the passing land. While they sailed on, Arthur told Torrhen stories of his childhood, playing with Ashara when he wasn't training and going to Water Gardens to visit Prince Oberyn and Princess Elia. Arthur told Torrhen how he and Oberyn were great friends and to not be surprised if the Prince came to visit him while he was at Starfall.

Torrhen furrowed his brow, “Don't you think that Prince Oberyn will hate me because I'm a Stark?” He asked his uncle.

“I do not believe so, cub. You are also a Dayne,” Ned said as he came out on the deck and stood next to Torrhen.

Torrhen looked up at his father and smiled, then he looked at Arthur, and Arthur nodded. I believe Ned is correct, Torrhen. Besides, your father was the only one that tried to get justice for Princess Elia and her children; I do not think Oberyn will hold what happened against Ned. And if he does, the Prince will not take it out on you. Arthur explained.

Torrhen nodded; Ned looked at his son and asked what Arthur had said, Torrhen told him, and Ned agreed with his good brother.

The days passed quickly, and soon, they were docking in the bay at Starfall. Ned and Torrhen noticed an entourage waiting for them bearing the sigil of a black sword within a white falling star on a blue field, the sigil of House Dayne. Torrhen glanced at his uncle, beamed when he spotted his older brother waiting for them on the dock. Once the boat had been tied and the plank lowered, the Stark party disembarked and made their way towards Lord Dominick, and standing next to him was a young woman with dark hair and laughing violet eyes that could only be Torrhen's Aunt Allyria. On the other side of Lord Dominik stood his wife and a little boy that Torrhen assumed was his cousin Edric Dayne.

Torrhen smiled cheerfully when he saw his aunt and uncle. He wanted to run to them and hug them, but Torrhen knew he couldn't do that; it would be improper for a Lord's son to behave like that in public. As the two groups neared each other, they stopped halfway, and the two groups bowed to each other, “Welcome to Starfall, Lord Stark,” Lord Dominik said to his former good brother.

“Thank you, Lord Dayne, it is an honor to be here,” Ned replied, “Allow me to reintroduce you to my son and heir, Torrhen Stark.”

Torrhen bowed deeply towards his uncle, “It is an honor to see you again, Uncle.”

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