Chapter 15 The Rift and The Adventure of a Lifetime

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The weeks that follow after Lord Stark left Starfall were a little hard on Torrhen. He missed his father dearly, but Torrhen knew that he would have to adjust, and with his uncle Arthur and Aunt Allyria's help, things would get better. It also helped that his cousin Edric did everything to distract him, which Torrhen was grateful for. Slowly, Torrhen got used to being back in Starfall and threw himself in his studies and training.

Along with learning to become a lord and training in the training yard, Torrhen wrote letters to his father, uncle Benjen, and each of his siblings. Still, he didn't trust Lady Catelyn, so Torrhen decided that he needed to make copies of every letter that he sent, especially the ones to Robb. Torrhen had a feeling that Lady Catelyn would do everything in her power to ruin his relationship with his siblings, and Torrhen was going to do his best to prevent that. So, Torrhen made sure to send letters home at least twice a month, if not more.

And upon his uncle's suggestion, Torrhen also wrote to all the Lords of the North to stay abreast of everything going on in the North. This way, the Northern Lords were assured that Torrhen had not forgotten about them or his duties as heir. To Torrhen's delight, he received many correspondences from the Lords. They told him how things were going on their lands and the trading they were doing with other kingdoms. Some of the Lords informed Torrhen of the problems they were having, and Torrhen was able to give them solutions that helped a great deal.

Though Torrhen's days were often busy with his studies, training, and correspondence, he always took the time to visit the godswood and pray to the old gods. While he was there, Torrhen would practice his magic and spar with his Uncle Arthur. Arthur was impressed to see that Torrhen was progressing rapidly and that his style was becoming more like Arthur's every day.

But one evening, Torrhen's secret was discovered. Torrhen and Arthur had been sparring intensely in the godswood. They were so focused that neither heard Allyria enter; the Desert Wolf and the former Kingsguard whipped around in surprise when they heard a gasp. Allyria was standing there, staring at Torrhen.

“Torrhen, where did you learn to fight like that? You move-”

Torrhen stared at his aunt, “As Uncle Arthur did?”

Allryria slowly nodded,
“Torrhen, how is that possible?”

Torrhen glanced at his uncle Arthur who nodded. Torrhen took a deep breath, “Because, Auntie, Uncle Arthur is teaching me; he is here.”

Allyria frowned at her nephew, “Torrhen, that is not funny. You know that your Uncle Arthur died a long time ago.”

“I know, Auntie, I remember when Father brought Dawn home. But I swear by the Old Gods and the New that Uncle Arthur is now with as a ghost. I can prove it to you.”

Allyria looked at her nephew, worried. Perhaps being away from his family was beginning to get to him, or maybe the heat was driving him mad. Torrhen could see the disbelief in his aunt's eyes, so Torrhen closed his eyes and concentrated his magic on Arthur so that he would be visible to Allyria. It took Torrhen a moment, but slowly the figure of Ser Arthur Dayne began to materialize. He knew he had accomplished it when Torrhen heard his aunt gasp. Torrhen opened his eyes, and there standing next to him was his Uncle Arthur, who was staring longingly at his younger sister. Allyria stared back; she covered her mouth and stepped away from Torrhen and Arthur, frightened.

Torrhen slowly stepped towards his aunt, “Do not be frightened, Auntie; Uncle Arthur will not hurt you.”

Allyria looked between Torrhen and her brother, “How is this possible?” She asked.

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