Chapter 5 Settling In

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Torrhen and Abagal were walking back to Torrhen's room, with Torrhen happily clutching the book that Maester Luwin had given him. Torrhen couldn't wait to start reading about his family. He was looking forward to learning about the Age of Heros and the Kings of the North. The boy was so lost in thought that he didn't see the person in front of him until it was too late.

Torrhen ran smack dab into Lady Catelyn. Torrhen nearly fell back if not for Abagal catching him. Abagal looked at Lady Catelyn and curtsied, “My apologies, Lady Stark, we didn't see you.”

Lady Catelyn nodded towards the girl but glared at Torrhen, who only smirked at her. Catelyn's eyes narrowed, and with a swish of her skirts, she turned down the hallway and left. Torrhen looked up at Abagal, “She does not like me.”

“No, she does not,” Abagal confirmed.

Abagal held her hand out to Torrhen, “Come along, Torrhen, let's go to your bedroom so you can read in peace.”

Torrhen nodded and skipped down the hallway ahead of his nursemaid. When they got to his room, Torrhen jumped into a chair close to the fireplace and began reading while Abagal started setting up Torrhen's bedroom so that he felt more comfortable in it. She opened up his trunks and began to hang up his clothes in the wardrobe. Then she put his boots away and set his chest of toys in the corner of the room.

Torrhen looked up from his book as Abagal put his toy chest in the corner, “Abby, is my sword in there?”

“Aye, Torrhen, it is.”

“The one that looks like Dawn?”

Abagal rolled her eyes, “Aye, Torrhen, it's in your toy chest. I wouldn't forget to pack it.”

Torrhen giggled, “Thank you, Abby.”

“You're welcome, little lord,” Abagal said and chuckled.

Abagal went back to setting up Torrhen's bedroom; she put his books on the bookshelf and took out the heavy blankets that Ashara had made when she heavily pregnant with Torrhen and was making preparations to move North with Ned after the baby was born.

The blankets had both the sigils of House Dayne and House Stark on them. The bedding wasn't nearly warm enough for the North, so when Abagal made the bed, she put the furs down first and put Ashara's cover on top for decoration. Torrhen looked up from his book and smiled at seeing his blanket. It made Torrhen feel warm inside, knowing that his momma made that blanket while he was in her tummy.

Torrhen read for a little while longer then yawned. He closed the book and rubbed his eyes, “Abby, I'm tired.”

“I'm not surprised, Torrhen. You were up late last night and woke up early this morning. Would you like to take a nap?”

“Aye, I'm getting sleepy.”

Abagal took the book away from Torrhen and put it on the nightstand next to the bed. She then turned down the blankets and walked over to Torrhen to take off his boots and cloak. Abagal picked Torrhen up and deposited him under the furs; she covered him up, then Torrhen snuggled into his furs.

“Have a good nap, little lord.”

“Thank you, Abby.”

Abagal kissed Torrhen's forehead then left the room. Torrhen sighed and closed his violet eyes.

A little while later, Arthur walked through the wall and stood over Torrhen. He smiled down at his nephew. Arthur moved over to the chair next to the bed and sat down. Arthur thought it was strange that if he wanted, he could touch solid objects to a certain point. Torrhen felt that it had something to do with his magic. Arthur was able to siphon some magic from him without draining Torrhen.

As if sensing his presence, Torrhen's eyes flutter open. He looks at his uncle sitting in the chair next to his bed, “Uncle, where have you been?” Torrhen whispered.

*I was exploring Winterfell.*

Torrhen thought for a moment, “What did you find, Uncle?”

*I have found the perfect place to begin your training. You, my nephew, will become the next Sword of the Morning.*

“Uncle, I can't do that. I'm a Stark!”

*You are also a Dayne, Torrhen, and I want you to follow in my footsteps.*

“But shouldn't that honor go to someone from house Dayne? Uncle's heir, perhaps? ”

*No one will ever be good enough to wield Dawn, Torrhen except you. I will train you to be the best swordsman in all of Westeros.*

Torrhen sat there in silence, contemplating what he should do while Arthur stared at him intently. Then Arthur sighed, *Let us make a compromise. Let me train you, and if my brother thinks you are worthy of Dawn you accept it, alright?*

Torrhen nodded slowly, “Alright, Uncle. So, where is this place that you can train me?”

*The Godswood.*

“When do we get started, Uncle?”

*In three more years, Torrhen. You are still too young. For now, enjoy your time with your father and brothers.*

“Alright, Uncle.”

*Why don't you go back to sleep for a little while longer?*

Torrhen nodded and closed his eyes.

An hour later, Abagal came in and woke Torrhen for lunch. She got him properly dressed and took him down to the great hall to have lunch with his father and uncle. When Abagal and Torrhen arrived in the great hall, Ned and Benjen were already there waiting for Torrhen to begin having their mid-day meal. Torrhen's violet eyes lit up when he saw his father


Ned was talking to Benjen when he heard his son call his name. He turned towards the little voice and smiled when Ned saw the toddler let go of his nursemaid's hand and come running towards him. Ned picked up his son and carried him up to the dais. Ned settled Torrhen in the seat next to him between him and Benjen, Torrhen smiled up at his father and uncle.

“Did you have a nice nap Torrhen?”

“Aye, Papa, thank you. What are we going to do now?”

“I thought this afternoon I would show you my favorite place in all of Winterfell,” Ned said.

“Where is that, Papa?” Torrhen asked in an excited tone.

“The Godswood,” Ned said.

Torrhen's eyes widen, it was the same place that his Uncle Arthur told him about. It must be an extraordinary place if both of them were attracted to it.

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