Chapter 18 Discussion About Jon

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The following day, a servant came to Torrhen's chambers and informed him that his father wanted to break his fast with him and Benjen in his solar. Torrhen nodded and began to dress for the day. Once Torrhen was ready, he picked up the box that Prince Oberyn had given him and made his way to this father's solar with his Uncle Arthur following behind him.

So, you're going to tell Ned about the dragon eggs? Arthur asked.

“Aye, I think it is only right that Father knows what's going on in the South.”

You do realize, Nephew, that one of those eggs is meant for you, do you not?

Torrhen stopped in the hallway and ensured no one was listening. He lowered his voice and addressed his uncle, “How do you know, Uncle?”

Arthur chuckled; oh, come now? You didn't think Jon was the only dragon in wolf's clothing, did you? The Daynes also have Valyrian blood in their veins. Perhaps not as much as Targaryens, but enough, and Prince Oberyn knows this. He expects with Jon's blood and your magic; you should be able to hatch the eggs. And I know you already feel a connection with one of the eggs; is that not so, Torrhen?

Torrhen thought for a moment and realized that, yes, he did feel a connection with one of the eggs, a purple one that Arthur had told him was the same shade as his mother's eyes. Torrhen could feel the life inside the egg, and he knew instantly that it was female.

Torrhen nodded, “Come, Uncle, we must speak to Father about Jon's future and his birthright.”

The ghost of Arthur Dayne nodded and followed his nephew to Ned's solar. When they arrived, Torrhen knocked, and Ned told him to enter. Upon entering, Torrhen noticed that food was already laid out and that his father and Uncle Benjen were waiting for him. Torrhen hugged the older men and then served himself his meal. They sat in relative silence, eating and discussing the arrival of the Northern Lords.

Once the meal was over and the servants had cleared everything, Torrhen waved his hand and placed privacy wards around the room so no one could hear them. Ned leaned forward in his chair, placing his elbows on his desk, and waited for Torrhen to begin.

Torrhen took a deep breath, “As you know, Father, I have known since I was a boy that Jon is not your bastard son but the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and my Aunt Lyanna. But I am not the only one that knows, and I swear by the Old Gods I did not tell anyone.”

“Then how does Dorne know of Jon's existence?” Ned asked his eldest son.

“Prince Oberyn told me that Princess Elia had informed Prince Doran and Oberyn of Rhaegar's intention of taking Lyanna as his second wife. She agreed only if her son Aegon would continue to be heir to the throne. Oberyn said that Princess Elia did not want animosity between the Starks and the Martells. She wrote to Doran and told him she was well aware that Rhaegar needed a third child and that she couldn't provide one for him.”

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