Chapter 16 The Prodigal Son Returns

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Torrhen spent five years traveling with Prince Oberyn and Ser Daemon Sand as Oberyn's squire. They traveled throughout Free Cities, such as Braavos, Myr, Pentos, and Volantis. They sailed the Summer Sea. They traveled to Yi Ti and Asshai and Slaver's Bay. Torrhen met Dothraki Horse Lords and learned their fighting style. Also, he observed how the Unsullied were trained so that perhaps he could incorporate that in the North. The little group sailed the mighty River Rhoyne

In Braavos, Torrhen was offered to train with the Faceless Men because he was the Master of Death. The guild also vowed their services to him if he ever needed them. Prince Oberyn thought their offer was strange, but he did not question it.

Throughout their travels, the three men visited many pleasure houses as Oberyn kept trying to tempt Torrhen to give in and take pleasure in a woman or man. Still, Torrhen held to his Northern values and told Oberyn that he would not betray his betrothed no matter what. So, while Daeron and Oberyn would go to the whore houses, Torrhen would spend his time writing letters to his betrothed and his family telling them of his adventures, and he would send them gifts. In his letters to Dacey, he vowed to remain faithful to her.

Torrhen also continued to keep up his correspondence with the Northern Lords and keep abreast of the situation in the North. He didn't want his future vassals to think he had forgotten about them. Torrhen helped find solutions to problems when his father couldn't.

Even though Torrhen kept in touch with his family, he often wondered why Robb never responded to his letters. Torrhen was certain the Lady Catelyn had something to do with it. He was sure that his stepmother was hiding the letter from his little brother; that was why Torrhen made copies of every letter he sent to Robb.

Five years passed quickly, and it was time for a newly knighted twenty-year-old Torrhen Stark to return home. Prince Oberyn and Daemon Sand traveled with Torrhen to White Harbor and said their goodbyes.

“My dear Torrhen, it was a pleasure to have you on this adventure, and it was an honor to knight you, Ser Torrhen Stark,” Oberyn told his friend.

Torrhen bowed to his Prince and friend, “The honor is mine, My Prince. I have learned a great deal from my travels with you and Ser Daemon.”

Both men smiled at Torrhen, and Oberyn motioned for Daemon to hand him a box, “I have a parting gift for you, Ser Torrhen. I know that you have Dawn to protect you and your magic, but I wanted you to have this to remember me by. This is something special that I know that you and your cousin can use someday.”

Torrhen gasped, and Oberyn smirked, “Yes, I know all about Jon Stark. I know that he is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark. My sister had sent my brother and me a letter telling us everything, and I hold no ill will towards your cousin; children are innocent of the crimes of their family.”

Torrhen let out a sigh of relief; he opened the box and found two dragon eggs. Torrhen looked up at Oberyn in surprise. Oberyn grinned, “I know you can hatch them, Torrhen. All they need is a little fire, blood, and magic. And then you and your cousin will be able to take back the Iron Throne.”

“And if Jon doesn't want the throne?” Torrhen asked.

“Whether he wants the throne or not, he has to take it, and you know it.”

Torrhen sighed, “Aye, I do.”

“And when the time comes, Dorne will be there to support him.”

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