Chapter 25 Northern Celebration

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Torrhen walked Dacey to her bed-chamber and kissed her hand, making the shield maiden blush. He smiled at her, “Have a good rest, my lady. I shall stop by before the feast to escort you to the Great Hall. That is, of course, if you want me to.”

Dacey smiled and agreed. She opened the door to her bedroom and went inside. Dacey nearly screamed when she found her sisters lying on her bed, “What are you all doing here?” Dacey asked.

Alysane smirked, “Oh, nothing, Sister; we only want to know what happened to you in the courtyard. You seemed struck dumb when you saw Lord Torrhen,” The other girls giggled at their sister's comment.

Dacey narrowed her eyes, “Nothing happened.”

“I beg to differ, sister. You and Lord Torrhen couldn't keep your eyes off each other.”

“That's not true,” Dacey said indignantly.

Lyra laughed, “You can't lie to us, sister. If you didn't find Lord Torrhen handsome, then you are blind, especially with those violet eyes,” Dacey's sister sighed and fell back on the bed, “Admit it, you found Lord Torrhen attractive.”

Dacey blushed and admitted that she did, “But, there was something more. I connected with him, and I'm positive he felt it too.”

The sisters looked at each other, “Do you think you could learn to love him, Dacey?” Jorelle asked.

Dacey thought momentarily, “Aye, I could easily fall in love with him.”

“Even though he is Dornish? You know how the people of Dorne are.”

“Torrhen assured me in every letter that he sent me that he remained faithful to me, even though he traveled with Prince Oberyn.”

“Do you believe him?” Alysane asked.

“I believe him, sister. He may have learned from Prince Oberyn how to be charming, but I do not doubt his word.”

Her sisters nodded. They left Dacey to rest while they did the same thing. Dacey undid her hair and brushed it before laying down to nap.

While this was happening, Torrhen was relentlessly teased by his younger brothers. They laughed at him at how he was mooning over the young she-bear. Torrhen punched Robb and Jon in the shoulder, causing his little brothers to laugh harder, as Torrhen did not deny it.

Torrhen and his brothers went to the training yard to spar for a while. It helped Torrhen get rid of his nervous energy. When Torrhen took Dacey's hand, he felt his magic spark and immediately knew that Dacey was the woman for him. The boys sparred for a few hours until Dania Cassel, who had married Jory, came and told them it was time to prepare for the feast. Jon smiled at his old wet nurse. He was happy that she, too, had found love in the North and had married the Captain of the guards. She and Jory already had two little ones, a boy and a girl. Their son looked like a true Northman, even at such a young age, while their little girl had a delicate build but was no stranger with weapons; Dania insisted that she should be trained, as was the Dornish custom, and Jory agreed. He would not deny his children their Dornish history.

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